Page 142 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 142
“Since 1960, over 200,000 of doctors have served in important positions. We are very proud of this contribution that
We work in close coordination with the UN spans over six decades. Since 1960, over
our servicemen have served with High Commissioner for Refugees on a range 200,000 of our servicemen have served with
professionalism and valour in 46 UN of refugee issues, as one of the largest hosts to professionalism and valour in 46 UN missions
people fleeing from conflict. in 26 countries in almost all continents of the
missions in 26 countries in almost all world. One hundred and fifty-seven of our
continents of the world.“ Your country is known as a home of the highest bravest peacekeepers have made the ultimate
number of refugees in the world (in particular, sacrifice in the line of duty.
from Afghanistan), and it is known as being
particularly accommodating to refugees. Can Pakistan has also led the way in deputing female
you share some of Pakistan’s experiences in peacekeepers in record time. In 2019, Pakistan
this area?. How has Pakistan managed to deal met the 15 percent benchmark set by the UN
with this colossal influx, caring for their needs Secretariat in the staff/officers category. A
and, in many cases, creating a new home for team of our officers is presently serving as the
shared interests. Cooperative multilaterism them? first all-female contingent from Pakistan in the have an extremely talented and hardworking
remains a bedrock of Pakistan’s diplomacy You are right, Pakistan has been a safe haven UN peacekeeping mission,` deployed in the team. I do take time out for my family and
including at the UN and other international for the highest number of refugee population Democratic Republic of Congo, providing a social life. My wife and I both love gardening.
in the world for over four decades, and range of resources including psychologists, stress
counting. Pakistan has hosted, on an average, counsellors, vocational training officers, gender Finally, Your Excellency, if you had a message
With what United Nations bodies do you have over 3 million Afghan refugees since 1980. advisors, doctors, nurses, operations officers, to our readers, what would that be?
the closest or most significant cooperation? A steady stream of displaced people from information officers, and logistics officers. In many ways we are living in extraordinary
Pakistan’s engagement with the United Nations Myanmar have also found refuge in Pakistan times. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected
has always been wide-ranging and robust. We in the 1970s and 80s. Burma colony in Karachi Our contribution to peacekeeping on the everyone, everywhere albeit with varying
have had long-standing and close engagement is home to the people of Myanmar descent. In ground has been complemented by our active degree of social, economic and public health
with the Security Council, one of the UN’s many ways, Pakistan has been an ideal refugee engagement at the level of policy formulation impacts. There are a wide range of mutually
principal organs. Pakistan has been elected to hosting country. This humane approach in various UN bodies. As President of the reinforcing challenges of the climate change,
this body for seven terms. And the basis for is underpinned by our societal values of Security Council in January 2013, Pakistan increasing likelihood of future pandemics
this close cooperation is because the people compassion, generosity and hospitality. We piloted Resolution 2086, which is the Council’s and food insecurity, the vaccine inequity, the
of Pakistan see this body as the custodian have demonstrated this policy approach by landmark resolution on multidimensional emerging era of geopolitical competition, the
and implementer of international law for allowing refugees freedom of movement, peacekeeping. festering disputes and conflicts, the pros and
the maintenance of international peace and access to education, health and employment. cons of emerging technologies, the rising social
security. When the UN brokered a ceasefire in Of course, the people of Pakistan, our Your country has distinguished itself by its tensions in the age of social media, revival of
Jammu and Kashmir in 1948, the UN Security economy and ecology has had to mitigate the very active membership in the diplomatic global economy, steady growth in armaments,
Council called for a UN-administered effects of this huge influx for decades. What is community here in Geneva. It seems to me the unparalleled increase in the number of
plebiscite to allow the people of Jammu and however significant is that this long-standing that you are working around the clock. Do you displaced people and meeting the target of
Kashmir the choice to join either Pakistan or and huge refuge influx has not led to their ever get time off? And do you have a hobby? 2030 sustainable agenda. In each of these
India. Between 1948 and 1957, the Security stereotyping or stigmatization. Our political Indeed, our Mission in Geneva has always had areas, the United Nations has a central role
Council passed around eleven resolutions parties, civil society, media and people have an active diplomatic footprint. In part, it is in navigating, managing and resolving these
on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. It also stayed away from nurturing populist or a function of the legacy of our predecessors. challenges. None of this is possible without
appointed the Military Observer Mission ethnocentric sentiments against refugees. This Our Mission is the Coordinator of OIC Group international cooperation and cooperative
in India and Pakistan, (UNMOGIP) which I believe is a good demonstration of the values in Geneva on human rights and humanitarian multilateralism. Extraordinary challenges
is amongst the first UN Missions and is still of tolerance, generosity and hospitality of the matters. We are also coordinating the Asia call for extraordinary leadership, vision and
people of Pakistan. Pacific Group for the Human Rights Council collective work. We in Pakistan Mission are
and UNCTAD for this year. We are also committed to building bridges and advancing
We have also had strong engagement with Pakistan is also known as the United Nations active on social media. Early this year, an global cooperation for a better, fairer, a more
the erstwhile Commission on Human Rights peacekeeper leader for it provides the highest independent social media monitor ranked sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future
and its successor, the Human Rights Council number of peacekeepers. Could you talk about us among top 10 Missions in terms of twitter for all.
and OHCHR due to the priority we attach to Pakistan’s special role in this? presence and following.
advancing global respect for human rights, Indeed, Pakistan has been a leader in the UN
dignity, freedoms and needs. Similarly, we Peacekeeping Missions worldwide. We see Of course, Geneva is a dynamic place and that
cooperate closely with the World Health this as a responsibility to promote the shared requires active engagement. But this does not
Organization where a number of Pakistani
cause of international peace and security. mean I work round the clock. I am fortunate to
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h