Page 139 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 139

Bulgaria dance 

 brings a new energy to the UN Bazaar (the first after pandemic)

 The purpose of the annual bazaar, organized  in  promoting  and  supporting  the  rights  of   traditionally  associated  with  the  production  enhance opportunities for dialogue, to ensure
 by the UN Women’s Guild, is to raise funds to  children and women in Bulgaria, so for  her   of  rose  oil  used  in  high-end  perfumery.  respect for and preservation of the diversity
 finance micro-projects in support of children  this commitment was a natural extension of   We  are  glad  that  we  were  able  to  join  the  of a unified humanity – an utmost objective
 and women in need. This form of charity is  her  convictions,  which  I  fully  share.  I  have   accompanying cultural program of the Bazaar,  stemming from the principles and goals of the
 familiar to all diplomats and their families, no  to  stress,  that  children’s  and  women’s  rights   which I believe will receive additional impetus  UN Charter.
 matter  where  they  are  -  Geneva,  New  York,  has  been  an  overarching  topic  for  Bulgaria   in  the  coming  years,  given  the  interest  of
 Strasbourg  or  in  the  capitals  of  countries  of  throughout  the  country’s  membership  of   the  audience  and  the  enthusiasm  it  caused.
 their  accreditation.  Such  an  event  is  usually  the  Human  Rights  Council  (2019-2021).    It   Bulgaria  was  present  with  an  almost  one-
 organized at the end of the year and is usually  may be interesting to know that   presence of   hour program of folk dances of two ensembles   Photos courtesy Radiona Nikova, spouse of the
 marked by the spirit of approaching holidays,  women  in  the  Bulgarian  diplomatic  service   -  girls  from  the  Bulgarian  Sunday  School  at   Permanent Representative of Bulgaria
 but  in  2021  in  Geneva,  it  was  held  a  little  has received a strong boost in recent years, as   the Permanent Representation in Geneva and
 earlier and in strict compliance with the anti-  has the country’s politics and governance.   the  ladies  from  the  amateur  folk  ensemble
 pandemic  measures  in  force  in  Switzerland.   “Pendari”. The audience also appreciated the
 The funds raised will be distributed through  We considered our participation in the bazaar   musical  performances  of  the  accordion  and
 a competitive procedure by the UN Women’s  not only as a means to support a charitable   gadulka / string instrument used in Bulgarian
 Guild,  which  will  also  monitor  the  projects’  cause, but also as an opportunity to present   folklore  /  duo.  The  beauty  of  the  Bulgarian
 implementation.   our country through the products we offered:   national  costumes,  their  colourful  variety
 cosmetics  based  on  the  famous  Bulgarian   and  embroideries  I  dare  say  fascinated  the
 For  the  preparation  of  Bulgaria’s  national  rose, lavender and yogurt; food and beverages   audience.
 participation  in  the  Bazaar  I  of  course  also  related  to  Bulgarian  traditions;  clothing
 relied on my wife Radiona, who had additional  accessories with characteristic embroidery…   That is to say, through traditions and culture
 commitments in this regard as a member of  By  the  way,  Bulgaria  is  emerging  as  one  of   we  have  the  opportunity  to  discover  what
 the  organizing  committee  of  the  Women’s  the largest producers of lavender in Europe,   makes  us  different,  but  also  what  we  are
 guild.  She  herself  is  professionally  involved  although  the  perception  of  our  country  is   similar in. And the most important thing is to

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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