Page 137 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 137

International                                         International

 human  experience  has  proven  -  while             Cultural diplomacy has become an 
 diplomatic  means  and  tools  may  evolve
 following  technological  advances,  as  long  as    inalienable part of the modern 
 nation-states  exist  the  essence  of  diplomacy    diplomatic “toolbox”. 
 will not change substantially. Further progress
 of ICTs and the continuing expansion of the
 virtual “universe” will certainly affect the way
 diplomatic missions function. Yet, in-person
 human  contacts  remain  indispensable  in           receiving country or to the rest of the world is
 all  areas  of  social  life,  the  pandemic-related   an essential task of a contemporary diplomatic
 lockdowns  made  it  more  obvious  than             mission.  It  helps  improve  understanding  of
 ever! Diplomacy is no exception. I don’t see         each  other  and  build  intangible  bridges  of
 diplomatic missions disappear, and AI replace        mutual respect and trust among people and
 diplomatic staff, anywhere soon; not before I        nations.  “Food  diplomacy”,  which  builds
 retire, I hope...                                    on  the  culinary  traditions  of  a  country  or
                                                      region is, undoubtedly, an important element
 “I don’t see diplomatic missions   What are the UN bodies and UN agencies you   of  cultural  diplomacy.  Very  often  cultural
 are  cooperating  most  in  Geneva?  In  which       diplomacy events also serve a charitable cause
 disappear, and AI replace diplomatic   domains?  Council’s  meetings  this  year.  Together  with  and raise funds in support of a humanitarian
 staff, anywhere soon; not before   I have been much involved in the work of the   the  President  and  other  Vice-presidents  action: this is actually the case of the annual
 Human  Rights  Council  (HRC),  as  Bulgaria   I  am  member  of  the  HRC  Bureau,  which  UN Bazaar whose latest edition took place on
 I retire, I hope...”  is  one  of  47  member-states,  completing   discusses the program of work, organization  27 October.
 its  3-years  term  this  year.  We  plan  to  re-  and  modalities  of  Council’s  meetings  and
 apply  for  HRC  membership  for  the  period   makes proposals to this effect to the plenary.  What  are  your  hobbies?  Your  life  outside
 2024-26.  In  2021  my  country  was  also  part   Implementation of anti-pandemic measures in  working hours?
 of  the  P-6  (6-countries  presidency)  of  the   Switzerland put to test the ability of the HRC  Travelling and hiking are my family’s favourite
 Conference  on  Disarmament  and  I  was  CD   to remain effective and efficient in a de facto  leisure activities when whether allows. We love
 had brought the issue of e-governance on top   President    from  12  March  to  21  May.  I  am   virtual/online mode of functioning. The HRC  to discover new places, people and cultures and
 of  the  global  agenda.  If  e-government  and   also following closely the work of the WHO,   made  proof  of  its  resilience  and  continued  take nice pictures of them (we always have our
 e-commerce  are  part  of  our  lives,  if  social  UNHCR, IOM, ILO – all of them play a role   its work according to the schedule. This was  camera with us). I and my wife also nurture aI and my wife also nurture a also nurture a
 media  influence  public  opinion,  shape  and  in addressing the challenges of the COVID-  of  particular  importance  at  a  time  when  special interest for opera and classical music:
 amplify social and political change and virtual  19 pandemic and its consequences in various   human rights were facing worldwide multiple  you may know that Bulgaria is the motherland
 reality is merging more and more with actual  fields: humanitarian, health, socio-economic.   challenges caused by the pandemic, or as result  of a plethora of world-wide renowned opera
 one,  why  should  diplomacy  be  expected  to  We  have  excellent  cooperation  with  WIPO   of conflicts in different parts of the globe, in  singers and musicians and we hope to be able
 stay immutable? International relations have  and support the efforts of its Director General   relation  to  the  environmental  degradation  to have some of them perform in a UN setting have some of them perform in a UN setting
 already largely gone online and ‘”e-diplomacy”  and  his  team  to  enhance  WIPO’s  focus  on   and  greenhouse  effects,  irregular  migration,  in Geneva: after months of pandemic-relayed
 is apparently the future of international policy-  youth,  innovation,  SMEs-driven  sustainable   rise  of  political  radicalism,  populism  and  restrictions  the  diplomatic  community  is
 making and global governance.  economy. ITU, UNECE, UNCTAD are other   authoritarian  rule,  discriminatory  practises,  longing for high level culture events!
 relevant  multilateral  fora  concentrating   human  rights  violations  and  political
 What  are  your  views  on  “teleworking”  or   expertise and competences in important areas   repression in many countries...
 “online” events – do they represent a danger   of  international  cooperation.  This  is  not  to
 for the offices abroad? If many things can be   say that I and my fairly small diplomatic team   What is your attitude towards diplomacy by
 done through teleworking, are we not running   underestimate  the  importance  and  work  of   other  means  than  negotiations,  mediations.
 the risk of losing necessity to have diplomatic   other international bodies and UN-affiliated   e.g. – arts diplomacy, food diplomacy. The UN
 missions abroad?  agencies.  Bazaar can be also considered in a way a part
 Your  question  reminds  me  of  a  textbook     of diplomacy. We know that Bulgaria played
 example  of  scepticism  and  fear  that   You hold an important position in the area of   an  important  role  in  the  preparation  of  the
 developments  in  technology  provoked  in   human rights in Geneva. Please, tell us about   recent Bazaar. Tell us about that.
 diplomats  almost  2  centuries  ago:  Lord   this position. What are the main challenges in   Cultural diplomacy has become an inalienable
 Parmerston’s  reaction  (“this  is  the  end  of   the area of human rights today?   part  of  the  modern  diplomatic  “toolbox”.
 diplomacy!”)  when  he  saw  the  first  ever   I am currently one of the four vice-presidents   Making known a nation’s cultural heritage and
 telegraphically  transmitted  message.  But   of  the  HRC  and  chaired  a  number  of  the   present-day achievements to audiences in the

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