Page 135 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 135


               generis  External  Action  Service  (EEAS),   “As long as nation-states exist the 
               make  a  difference.  Alongside  representing
               all these European bodies and managing the   essence of diplomacy will not change 
               implementation  of  their  respective  “external   substantially.”
               actions”,  EU  ambassador  has  to  ensure  the
               overall coherence of the Delegation’s activity. I
               had to chair the regular coordinating meetings
               of  ambassadors  of  EU  member  states  in
               Tashkent.  Moreover,  the  European  Union
               is  world’s  leading  development  aid  provider
               and as EU Ambassador I was also responsible  treaties  on  good  neighbourly  relations  and
               for properly managing the Union’s technical  cooperation.
               cooperation with Uzbekistan.
                                                      You  got  the  appointment  to  the  Permanent
               Bulgaria, having succeeded in maintaining its  Mission  of  Bulgaria  to  the  UN  Office  in
               stability over the decades, is recognized as one  Geneva during a very special time – pandemic.
               of the most peaceful countries globally, with  Have you found the role more exigent during
               one of the highest ratings on the Global Peace  pandemic than during any usual time?
               Index. What is the secret? Strong preventive  I took up my duties in Geneva in mid-January
               diplomacy?  Wisdom?  Culture?  Education?  2021, amidst strictest anti-pandemic measures
               The nature of its diverse population?  in force. Most of the diplomatic activity was
               All of these are relevant factors. My country  taking  place  online,  including  traditional
               has  a  longstanding  track-record  of  ethnic  courtesy calls by newly arrived ambassadors;
               and  religious  tolerance.  For  example,  Nazi  no  delegations  were  travelling  from  the
 Interview with His Excellency   propaganda never took root in Bulgaria and  capitals to attend high-level conferences and
 Yuri Sterk    during WW2 the Bulgarian Jews were rescued  meetings; multilateral events were conducted
               from the Holocaust. Having been part to major  virtually  or  in  a  “hybrid  format”.  Only  few
 Ambassador and the Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the United   regional and global conflicts that devastated the  social,  cultural  or  entertainment  activities
 Nations Office at Geneva  Balkans and Europe throughout the first half of  could be organized – mostly online. Face-to-
               the 20th Century, Bulgaria learned its lessons  face  contacts  and  communication  lie  at  the
               from History. This may explain my country’s  heart of diplomatic intercourse, opportunities
 Your Excellency, could you tell us a little about  You have been Ambassador of your country   peaceful  transition  in  the  1990-ies  from  to meet with multiple interlocutors formally
 yourself?   in several locations, as well as ambassador of   totalitarian rule and state-controlled economy  and  informally  are  essential  in  multilateral
 I was born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria’s second largest  the European Union to Uzbekistan. How can   to democracy and free market, in spite of the  diplomacy;  yet,  this  “normal”  way  of
 city - one of the oldest (8000 years) in Europe,  you describe the differences and similarities of   disastrous turbulences in our neighbourhood.  communicating was not possible for most of
 and  a  meeting  point  of  different  cultures,  being an ambassador of a country and of the   Bulgaria’s  European  and  Euro-Atlantic  the first half of the year. Challenging times!
 religions,  and  ethnicities.  I  attended  the  European Union?   integration was a major stabilising factor and a
 English  Language  School  in  my  hometown  Heading  the  diplomatic  representation  of  a   powerful driver of reforms in all areas: NATO  You are a career diplomat, with the classical
 and  later  pursued  my  university  studies  in  supranational entity like the European Union   and  EU  membership  ensured  the  peaceful  diplomatic education (one of the best in the
 Sofia,  Moscow,  Stanford  and  Strasbourg  in  is  a  unique  and  unparalleled  experience:   political and socio-economic development of  world!). Could you ever imagine that one day
 the  fields  of  international  law,  diplomacy  it  requires  a  combination  of  various  skills   the  country.  Maintaining  good  neighbourly  you will have to do ‘online’ diplomacy. What
 and  European  integration.  I  joined  the  and  competences  and  ability  to  draw   relations  with  surrounding  states  was  and  is your assessment of this innovation?
 Bulgarian  Diplomatic  service  by  the  end  of  from  the  “toolboxes”  of  both  bilateral  and   remains an essential requirement for adhering  Bulgarians  have  a  popular  saying:  “Trouble
 1989, when the winds of change swept away  multilateral  diplomacy.  Certainly,  there  are   to  the  European  Union,  which  is  based  on  is  the  best  teacher”.    With  the  pandemic
 the Iron Curtain and opened the avenue for  similarities  between  a  “regular”  embassy   shared values - peace, rule of law, democracy,  affecting the entire world we, diplomats, like
 reunification  of  previously  divided  Europe.  and  EU  Delegation:  both  are  tasked  with   solidarity, human rights. That is why Bulgaria  many others had to shift our daily activities
 My  diplomatic  postings  include  Strasbourg  the  same  main  functions  as  defined  by  the   is a strong proponent of EU enlargement with  online,  acquiring  new  skills  and  getting  to
 (the  Council  of  Europe),  Israel,  Uzbekistan,  Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.   all  countries  in  our  neighbourhood.  On  the  master various digital tools of communication
 Morocco and since January 2021 - Geneva. I  However, the specific nature and architecture   understanding,  of  course,  that  they  have  to  and information. In fact, the pandemic only
 have also held various positions at the Foreign  of  the  EU  with  its  supranational  European   meet accession criteria, including compliance  accelerated  trends  and  processes  that  had
 Ministry in Sofia, including Political Director  Commission, the intergovernmental Council,   in  good  faith  with  their  international  already been unfolding. Since the last decade
 and Deputy Minister, among others.  the  elected  European  Parliament,  the  sui   obligations, particularly those stemming from  of the 20  century, the fast advance of ICTs

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