Page 5 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 5


           For the International Day of Peace

           He believed that


                      should come

                                                                By Evelina Rioukhina and Ryan Kennedy

           Without experience in foreign affairs, he be-                  Tuesdays, etc. The Palace is abandoned. No-
           came a politician with the strongest integrity                 body would come tomorrow, nobody would
           and by his firm convictions he managed to                      search for the Salle des pas perdus. "To-
           defend not only the rules governing civilized                  morrow" is not coming and it is not clear
           society, but also the sacred notion (and lega-                 whether it would come at all. And there is
           cy) of the symbol of Peace that our building,                  only one person walking through the halls
           the Palais des Nations, embodies. He did it                    and the Salle des pas perdus. He knows that
           because he had a strong belief and persever-                   there is no tomorrow, because there is a
           ance to fight for the right cause. His name was Sean Lester,  war all around. Everywhere except of the tiny country of
           the last Secretary- General of the League of Nations.   Switzerland that manages to keep its neutrality. This tiny
                                                               country has also a marvel - a huge and majestic Palace of
           Our Palace (Palais des Nations) accommodates thousands  Peace. But in those dark times precious peace was violat-
           and thousands of delegates coming from all parts of the  ed by the outbreak of war. The lonely person in the Palace
           Globe, to discuss issues of peace, of sustainable develop-  cannot abandon his post as a captain who is never aban-
           ment, of human rights, all believing and hoping to make  doning his ship. Not only has he perseverance and faith,
           our Planet a better place for future generations. These  but also he feels a responsibility towards the high ideals
           delegates, if lost, usually meet in the Salle des pas perdus  of humanity. Therefore, he continues fighting to maintain
           (the highest hall, which visitors usually use as a meeting  the remaining dignity and prestige of the institution and
           point to avoid getting lost in our truly immense build-  he has a resolve as well as a firm belief that "tomorrow"
           ing). From this Salle the delegates can enjoy a gorgeous  should and will come. He fights despite the fact that he
           scenery of the Celestial Sphere proudly shining in the  knows that his tasks come to an end, that the League of
           Court of Honour. Behind its back, in turn, hides a huge  Nations, the Organization of which he is the Secretary
           Assembly Hall. All these three components cannot be un-  General, is crumbling, that it failed to prevent the dra-
           linked, as they together represent the heart of the hearts  matic turn of history and the outbreak of the WWII. He
           of the Palais and embody a symbol of peace that Palais is  fights despite the feeling of being a "captain of a water-
           usually associated with. And if we, staff members, come  logged boat", with only a skeleton crew in a deserted Pal-
           here on Sundays and discover the totally lonely Palace,  ais des Nations. He does so because he has a high mission
           we enjoy the calm of the high galleries, the majesty of the  - he fells responsible for preserving the heritage of peace,
           Salle des pas perdus, the beauty of the Court d'honneur,  or at least, the symbol of peace (which the Palais des Na-
           the view of the Celestial Sphere, and we feel for at least a  tions, the building constructed between 1929 and 1938
           day that we are "the Masters" of the Palace. But we also  for the League of Nations, the first, and at that time the
           know that tomorrow will come, together with thousands  only, International Organisation servicing international
           and thousands of delegates who will once again fill our  peace undoubtedly is). It is this strong belief, this convic-
           Palace with their firm beliefs and hope for peace, for the  tion that pushes him to stay and to defend the heritage,
           SDGs, or any other related topic that they came to discuss  the "foundation" of the idea and the symbol of peace. His
           at the UNOG Palais.                                 name is Sean Lester.

           Now imagine totally different scenery. High ceilings, dark  He was the last Secretary General of the League of Na-
           halls, and not only on Sundays, but also on Mondays,  tions. He was neither a diplomat, nor a politician. But he

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