Page 6 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 6


        was an extraordinary person, to whom we owe our own  tinued (and still continues, today even more than ever)
        determination to preserve the dignity and the ideas of  to embody the image of peace, giving assurance and the
        the organisation, as well as its historical heritage. And if  hope for peace to the people of the world.
        you want to make a journey through the time and history
        I recommend to you to read the book written by Marit  What has changed at the Palais of today as compared to
        Fosse and John Fox titled Sean Lester - The Guardian of a  the times of Sean Lester? Definitely not its heart - the
        Small Flickering Light.                             Salle des pas perdus, the Celestial Sphere at the Court of
                                                            Honours - its main arteries, fortunately, remain intact.
        The talented pen of Marit Fosse (the Editor-in-Chief of  The new building of 10 floors (building E) complement-
        the magazine "Diva International" and an author of thou-  ed the Palais in  1968, making the majestic Palace more
        sands of articles) will allow you to dive into the atmos-  modern, more spacious, and more visible from the City.
        phere of that time and to make a journey with Sean Lester  Nowadays there are also more statues in the Ariana Park.
        through the abandoned Palace, during the last days of the  Many of them symbolise peace. Recently another sphere
        League of Nations. What was he re-                                   was donated to the UNOG, adding to
        ally thinking? Why, contrary to many                                 the long list of symbols of peace that
        of his colleagues, was he unable to   "The lonely person             govern at the Palace and in its sur-
        abandon the Palace? While there       in the Palace cannot           roundings. But people, while admir-
        were only few who still stayed in his                                ing all statutes in the Ariana park, still
        "crew' he nevertheless remained an     abandon his post              go to look at the Celestial Sphere be-
        exemplary "captain" and took due                                     cause THIS IS THE ONE. And they
        care of them until the very end. Was   as a captain who is           still go to the heart of the majestic Pal-
        it because of his convictions? Be-    never abandoning               ace, the Salle des pas perdus, to touch
        cause of the strength of his belief? Or                              the walls and breathe the history. It
        was it because he was a person out of        his ship."              is because this is the place where the
        the common. He said about himself                                    HEART of peace beats.
        that he was a man "without an ambi-
        tion He had left school at the age of fourteen. He had no  Soon the totally overwhelming SHP providing for con-
        experience in foreign affairs (what might have been the  struction of a new building (which seems to become a
        secret of his strong determination, as professional poli-  chef d'uvre of architectural solutions) will complement
        ticians are usually much more sceptical!?). He spoke no  the Palais. We all saw the project and were fascinated
        languages other than English. Having become an Irish  and impressed by its architectural fineness. It is indeed a
        representative to the League of Nations in Geneva in  breath-taking endeavour. Time will show whether it will
         1929, and having served as the League's High Commis-  reinforce the message of peace, or whether it will remain
        sioner in the Free City of Danzig from 1934 to 1936, in  simply a technical upgrade to the Palace. But as for the
        31 August 1940 he was selected to serve as the Secretary-  Palace, the historical one, the home of the League of Na-
        General of the League of Nations. From that very day for  tions since 1938, the home of the European Office of the
        the next six years he fought to keep                                 United Nations since its first days, the
        the institution alive, and to maintain                               centre of the world peace and diplo-
        the sparkle of the small flickering                                  macy, it will definitely be affected by
        light of the Palace, i.e. the symbol of                              the SHP. It is for a reason that this
        peace the Palace signified in people's                               plan's name includes the word "herit-
        minds. He simply believed that there                                 age' The main purpose of it is to not
        is tomorrow.                                                         only renovate the old and build the
                                                    The Guardian of a        new structures, but also to preserve
        It is to him that we all should be grate-  Small Flickering Light    and protect heritage, including the
        ful for preserving, despite the war,                                 heritage of history and high ideals.
        not only the Palace itself, but also the                             We are thankful to Sean Lester for
        image of peace that our Palace em-                                   being a pioneer, for his perseverance,
        bodied at that time. For it is thanks to                             for making his historic contribution
        him that today our Palace continues                                  to the Palace as a symbol of peace,
        to embody the image of peace world-                                  and for saving its legacy. He guarded
        wide. Even when our Organization,                                    it through the war as the small flick-
        the United Nations, was established                                  ering light believing that tomorrow
        and chose New York to be its head-                                   would come!
        quarter, the Palais des Nations con-

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