Page 73 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
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Sommaire      Editorial

 international     In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity

 6   Les nouvelles initiatives de   42  Future Cities Need to   (Einstein)
    l’Ouzbékistan dans le domaine      be Circular, and
    des droits de l’homme      Circularity Requires   We  should  never  give  up.  We  should  never
    Strong Urban Design  lose belief in the light ahead, despite what we

 9   New initiatives of Uzbekistan   have been experiencing for over a year.
    on Human Rights  So, what has been happening in our heads and  lockdown.  Or some people may have done

               hearts over this year? A year ago, it was as if  none of these things, and just taken a break
 12  Interview with   life stopped or got “locked”. For many people  from their life, which can be just as valuable.
    Ms Tatiana Valovaya  culture  the  year  turned  out  to  be  tragic  –  lost  ones
    Director General, United   were  mourned,  people  got  seriously  ill,  and  Historically,  the  great  Russian  poet  Pushkin
               everyone lost something. This includes many  wrote a great cycle of poems as well as finishing
    Nations Office at Geneva  45  Artistic Self of  things  we  had  taken  for  granted,  like  our  his epic ‘Yevgeny Onegin’ while in quarantine
    Marit Fosse
               freedoms: freedom of movement, freedom to  from  cholera  in  the  small  town  of  Boldino.
 19  Interview avec   gather, freedom to be part of an audience.  It  Many  of  the  late  great  works  of  Shakepeare
    Abdallah Chatila  50  Interview de   could be shocking and traumatising, but as we  were written when London was quarantined
    Jean-Michel Wissmer  saw more and more tragedies around us, we  by plague (e.g. ‘King Lear’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Anthony
               were forced to step back from our emotions  and Cleopatra’).  Furthermore, Newton’s annus
 22  Rencontre avec   and  realise  that  our  loss  of  freedoms  saved  mirabilis, when he discovered the laws which
    Mme Mariatou Yap  52  Interview de   lives. We had to limit ourselves to help essential  are the basis of most applied physics, was also
       Anne-Sophie   workers provide care and save lives.  a  year  of  enforced  contemplation  caused  by
 24  Questions to      Bongain-Decosne                plague lockdown.
    His Excellency Ambassador   We do not have to see this as a lost year. We
               have  learned  a  lot  about  how  to  do  things  On  our  UNOG  level,  lockdown  has  led  to
    Tenzin Rondel Wangchuk  differently.  To  continue  essential  work,  we  us discovering new talents in our colleagues.
               learned  teleconferencing:  how  to  remotely  This  issue  contains  interviews  with  our
 32  Climate change:   conduct meetings and negotiate agreements.  Director-General Tatyana Valovaya, who was

    what can make a Titan fragile   Our achievements in ‘online diplomacy’ open  revealed  as  a  superb  photographer  through
    and vulnerable  up future possibilities, though at the time we  her  black-and-white  exhibition,  and  with
               were  only  doing  what  was  necessary  in  the  Diva International Diplomat Editor-in-Chief
               only way we could.  Or, almost the only way.  Marit Fosse, who turns out to be a talented

 38  Future Cities:   Even through the worst times it was clear that  artist.    Marit,  as  EiC,  has  often  interviewed
    Let’s all remember Babylon  important  negotiations  must  be  in  person,  others  but  been  too  modest  to  speak  about
               such as the Syria or Libya talks, or meetings  herself.  This magazine, however, features her
               among state leaders.  However, the potential  talents not only for writing history, but also as
               for  online  diplomacy  is  huge,  and  it  was  a gifted painter, often invited to international
               something the pandemic taught us.      exhibitions.
 The views expressed are the   Mailing address:  Editor: Marit Fosse
 responsibility of the authors and   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina  It  also  taught  us  resourcefulness  –  turning  The pandemic is not yet over but it too shall
 do not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1  obstacles  into  opportunities.    As  the  saying  pass,  and  we  can  already  see  the  light  after
 of DIVA  Palais des Nations  Graphic Design: Iris Hariz  goes, “a stone can be an obstacle, or it can be a  the darkness. Maybe it is a little faint at the
 ©  1211 Geneva 10  ® step”, and for some people this lockdown was  moment, but we are ready for a new day armed
 Tel: +41 22 917 43 01  Contributing to DIVA:  opportunity for deeper reflection.  It could also  with  new  knowledge  and  experience.    We
 DIVA International is a publication   Marc Ferre, Oleksandr Svirchevskyy,   be used to do jobs which had been postponed  have taken a break, rethought the way we live,
 of Graficim Media Ltd  E-mail:   Ekaterina Pinchevskaya, Marit Fosse,   and  think  of  better  ways  to  do  them  after  written new things, explored new issues and
 29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Ita Marguet, Christian David,   recognised how much we all need each other.
 WC2A3EE, England  Robert J. Parsons, Celhia de Lavarene,   I wish you happiness, safety, creativity and to
 Pierre Virot                                         never lose belief in the bright light ahead!
 ISSN: 1660-1934                                                          Evelina Rioukhina

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