Page 76 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 76


                                                                     Your  tenure  occurs  during  highly  unusual                    under  stress,  so  I  know  I  can  work  under   “It was and still is a very unusual
                                                                     –  even  surreal  –  times  such  as  have  never                stress, and I’m really prepared to do so. In the
                                                                     been  experienced  at  the  United  Nations,                     life  of  my  generation,  quite  a  few  situations   experience, but we understand
                                                                     nor in the world. How has this affected your                     were challenging in my country. You had to   that even under these exceptional
                                                                     aspirations?                                                     take many relevant different decisions at the
                                                                     Well, of course, it has affected them because                    same time.                             circumstances, we know that life
                                                                     it  is  a  new  challenge  that  is  added  to  our                                                     can go on. We can always find a
                                                                     work. Really, we had to work very hard just                      It was very good that I started my job here in
                                                                     to prepare the Palais for reopening: 164,000                     August 2019, more than half a year before the  solution and always carry out our
                                                                     square  meters  had  to  be  prepared  for  the                  pandemic.  I  started  working  with  my  team,   mandate.”
                                                                     safe return of staff, delegates and conference                   learning  about  their  capacities.  When  we
                                                                     participants.  We  had  to  think  about  lots  of               were  obliged  to  turn  to  virtual  work,  it  was
                                                                     things. From the very beginning, we identified                   much easier for me to lead my team. It was
                                                                     the need to impose a distance of two meters in                   and still is a very unusual experience, but we  anniversary  of  the  United  Nations,  because
                                                                     the conference rooms, thought through how                        understand that even under these exceptional  ordinary  citizens  were  asked:  what  is  the
                                                                     people should walk along the corridors, along                    circumstances, we know that life can go on.  future you want, and what is the role of the
                                                                     the  staircases.  It  was  altogether  an  unusual               We  can  always  find  a  solution  and  always  United Nations in this future? The majority of
                                                                     experience. We also had to have a common                         carry out our mandate.                 the people taking part in the survey, practically
                                                                     response of the whole international Geneva in                                                           90 percent, wanted more multilateralism and
                                                                     the interaction with our host country.                           Today,  looking  back,  people  are  often  more United Nations.
                                                                                                                                      comparing the current situation with that of
                               woman. It really shows how important gender  At  the  same  time,  it  was  immediately                the “Spanish flu”. But in a sense, there were  For  us,  it  is  very  important  to  have  this
                               parity is to the United Nations as an organization,  recognized that our agenda was more relevant      very promising aspects to those times – WWI,  support  of  the  population.  At  the  same
                               how  important  it  is  to  the  Secretary-General.  than  ever.  We  went  on  with  all  the  issues   “the war to end all wars”, was over and, what  time,  we  understand  that  we  need  to  build
                               I  think  it’s  important  that  at  the  top  level  in  that  were  on  the  agenda,  for  example  the   was  more  important,  the  League  of  Nations  better  multilateralism,  more  inclusive,  more
                               the  organization,  we  now  have  gender  parity.  75th anniversary of the United Nations, one        was  being  set  up.  So,  actually,  the  previous  integrated. That is what the citizens around the
                               At  the  level  of  under-secretaries-general  and  of  the  key  priorities  for  last  year.  We  were   pandemic  coincided  with  the  birth  of  the  world want. So, I am pretty optimistic in this
                               heads of departments, we really are a balanced  very pleased and happy that we managed to              League.  Do  you  see  today  the  germs  of  any  regard, and I hope the result of this pandemic
                               organisation.                         implement all the ideas we had been discussing                   positive developments, any promising trends?  will be a realisation that we live on the same
                                                                     with my team at the end of 2019. We were able                    And if so, could you elaborate?        planet, where we are all very interconnected.
                               I do not consider myself as a role model. When  to carry out absolutely all of them, even if in        I  like  history  and  it  is  necessary  to  know  All  the  challenges  we  are  facing  are  global
                               I was a young girl, we did have some female role  a  different,  virtual  format.  For  example,  we   history  well,  and  to  learn  its  lessons.  For  challenges, and if you have global challenges
                               models. These days it’s really the mainstream.  had been discussing that we wanted to have             me,  it’s  absolutely  obvious  that  each  time  you  have  to  have  global  solutions.  To  find
                               We take it for granted that women should be  a conference on the future of multilateralism             humanity  confronts  a  global  challenge  as  a  a  global  solution,  you  need  a  multilateral
                               at  the  head  of  international  organizations.  I  and  a  dialogue  with  young  people.  We  had   result  of  catastrophe  or  tragedy,  there  is  a  system.
                               think the ideal for young generations is not an  three  dialogues,  in  April,  in  June  and  then    determination to address it in a more unified
                               individual female as role model, but the fact  in  October.  We  had  fantastic  participation,        way.                                   Regarding  diplomacy  after  the  pandemic,
                               that we are equal, we are professionals, we can  and not only by people in Geneva, but from                                                   what  is  your  vision?  Is  “online”  diplomacy
                               lead international organisations. This is going  many countries. We managed to carry out all           History  shows  that  after  World  War  I,  the  here to stay? What about the importance of
                               to stay. This is the generation of equality.  our  plans,  albeit  in  a  different  manner;  but      League  of  Nations  was  born.  After  World  “person  to  person”  contacts,  not  just  in  the
                                                                     our aspirations remained intact. We worked                       War II, the United Nations was born precisely  conference room, but in the corridors, outside
                               Do you think it is important to have a woman  together in a unified manner to move forward             to avoid a repetition of the tragedy that was  the meetings?
                               at the head of an international organization,  the agenda of the United Nations.                       the Second World War. This pandemic is not  I  think  all  of  us  are  looking  forward  to  in-
                               country etc.?                                                                                          only a health issue, it’s an economic and social  person meetings. One of the lessons from the
                               Of course, it’s important! I really hope that my  Today, we are learning to live with the virus,       issue,  really  creating  global  challenges.    I  pandemic is that we really need such meetings.
                               generation will see the day when it will not  even to “dance” with the virus, having events            believe that it will generate a renewed interest  Although virtual and hybrid tools are proving
                               make news in the newspapers that this or that  at the Palais, continuing the renovation work,          in  reinvigorating  and  further  building  the  necessary now to go on with the cooperation,
                               organization has finally had a woman named  and  even  finishing  a  construction  project.            multilateral system.                   we  really  need  meetings  in-person.  When
                               at its head. We should really take it for granted,  What  kind  of  experience  is  this  turning  out                                        you meet a person you can build confidence,
                               as something normal. We should really reach  to be for you, and how are you managing to                When  I  say  this,  it  is  not  only  the  lesson  you can build trust. Even if you do not always
                               a stage where it’s normal, nothing exceptional.  carry on your work?                                   from history, it is also the result of the global  share each other’s views, you trust the other as
                               Women make up half of humanity!       My previous experience was one of working                        conversation we had last year about the 75th  a person, you can see her or his integrity.

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