Page 81 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 81

international                                                                                 International

 “You should never go back.   an  essay  on  him  because  they  were  writing
 about  him  and  some  other  philosophers  of
 You should always go forward.   this period. They needed my support because
 Forward for me is to strengthen   there were a lot of materials in English and not
 enough in Russian. At that time, I was about
 what we already have here. Geneva   18 years old, and I really fell under his spell.
 is a centre of international   He was a person of high moral principles, who
 also gave his daughters a very good education.
 conferences, a centre which   He was a real Renaissance figure, and for me
 provides support for multilateral   he was a real statesman and a politician.

 negotiations and meetings.”  And the final question… Imagine the situation:
 the  pandemic  is  over.  It  is  “the  day  after”.
 How do you imagine yourself in your post of                                     “Notre ambition est
 Director-General of the United Nations Office                                      d’apporter une
 As  you  may  be  aware,  I  started  my  career  at Geneva? Will you pick up where we left off,
 as  a  journalist,  and  I  have  written  a  book  aiming  to  accomplish  the  same  aspirations   approche différente à
 on  the  history  of  Europe.  So,  I  have  quite  that  were  interrupted  or  disrupted  by  the   tout ce que nous
 a  number  of  hobbies  as  a  result  of  my  pandemic, or do you see a major refocusing,
 travels  and  my  curiosity  to  learn  about  or perhaps something in between? Have you   entreprenons, d’innover
 people and how they live around the world.  already  entertained  thoughts  along  these   pour contribuer à
 What kind of paintings do you like?  You should never go back. You should always   dessiner la Genève
 My  favourite  painters  are  the  French  go forward. Forward for me is to strengthen   de demain.”
 impressionists. This does have an explanation:  what we already have here. Geneva is a centre
 in  Russia,  we  have  absolutely  fabulous  of  international  conferences,  a  centre  which
 collections  of  French  impressionists.  At  provides support for multilateral negotiations
 the  time  when  they  were  not  well  regarded  and meetings. We also have to look forward and
 in  France,  several  Russian  collectors  were  use new conference tools to build inclusiveness
 overwhelmed by these paintings and started  in multilateral organisations and to do more   Interview avec
 buying them. That’s why we, in Russia, have a  to achieve the sustainable development goals,   Abdallah Chatila
 fantastic collection of impressionists. When I  work for peace and security, and for human
 was a young girl going to the museums, I fell  rights. I really hope that, once we overcome   m3 GROUPE
 in love with these painters: Monet, Manet…  the  pandemic,  we  can  do  it  in  solidarity.
 That  will  give  us  a  certain  assurance.  If  we
 Speaking about Russian painters, my favourite  really show solidarity, we can face any global
 painter is one who belongs to the beginning  challenge,  wherever  it  is.  There  are  quite  a
 of the 20th century, but he is different in style.  number of challenges – let us not forget about   « La  Genève  internationale  fait  partie  initiatives  qu’il  a  lancées  pour  contribuer  à
 His name is Nikolai Roerich. He was also a  the climate crisis. We are not speaking as much   intégrante  de  l’héritage  historique  et  de  consolider  et  développer  le  rayonnement  de
 philosopher,  and  a  person  who  worked  for  about the climate crisis these days because we   l’ADN de Genève »  cette dernière.
 universal  values.  After  the  Revolution,  he  are talking more about the pandemic, but the
 was trapped in Finland and lived and died in  climate crisis is there; and we should use our   Né au Liban et établi à Genève depuis 1988,  Abdallah  Chatila,  m3  GROUPE  est
 India. His paintings are amazing, as well as his  experience of finding global solutions during   Abdallah  Chatila  est  devenu  en  l’espace  de  devenu  aujourd’hui  un  important  acteur
 philosophical and political heritage, including  the  pandemic  to  really  address  other  global   quelques  années  un  entrepreneur,  mécène  et  économique  du  canton.  Pourriez-vous
 the “Roerich pact”.  challenges, including the climate one.                ••  chef  d’entreprise  incontournable  du  canton.  revenir sur la genèse de votre entreprise et
                                Fondateur  et  Président  de  m3  GROUPE,  ce  sur l’état d’esprit qui l’habite ?
 And  now  back  to  politics.  Who,  throughout   véritable enfant de Genève emploie aujourd’hui  Pour  être  solide  et  pérenne,  toute  activité
 history, is the most inspiring figure for you in   plus de 1000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs.  humaine  doit  se  nourrir  d’une  vision.
 the realm of politics?         À  l’occasion  de  cette  interview,  il  revient  sur  Aujourd’hui, mon travail c’est ma passion, et
 It is Thomas More. I read his books when I was   les  activités  de  son  groupe,  son  rôle  actif  de  mon ambition est de contribuer à faire rayonner
 a very young girl, and then later when I was   philanthrope,  l’importance  qu’il  accorde  à  Genève, ville que je chéris depuis toujours. La
 still quite young. My parents asked me to write   la  Genève  internationale  et  les  différentes  philosophie  de  m3  GROUPE  repose  sur  ce

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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