Page 85 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 85

international                                                                               international

 Bhutan celebrating   challenges  like  youth  unemployment,  social  burden  of   of our country. Bhutan will be graduating from the category
               ageing population, the pressure on our environment etc.
                                                              of least developed countries in December 2023.
 50th anniversary   With regard to your second question, there is no consensual   When we became a member of the United Nations, Bhutan

 of membership of   agreement  on  the  origin  and  the  meaning  of  the  name   literally  initiated  planned  development  from  a  scratch
               Bhutan.  There  are  several  scholarly  versions  of  the
                                                              and had a clean slate. Through our collaboration with our
 the United Nations    etymology  of  the  name,  none  of  them  really  convincing.   development  partners  and  the  lessons  experts  brought
                                                              with them, we avoided the learning curve most of the poor
               From  historical  records  maintained  by  British  when
               they ruled India, our country was referred to as ‘Bootan’   developing  countries  went  through  and  avoided  policy
               or  ‘Bhootan’  and  therefore  unquestionably,  the  modern   blunders.  The  United  Nations,  through  their  funds  and
               construct ‘Bhutan’ crystallized from this ancestry.    programmes,  also  influenced  initiation  of  many  policy
 Questions to                                                 decisions on issues related to women and children, disability,

 His Excellency Ambassador   However, to Bhutanese people, our country is referred to   justice  system,  education, health  etc.  The  standardization
                                                              of  our  laws  with  international  laws  is  also  a  notable
               as ‘Druk Yul’ - which translates as ‘Land of the Thunder
 Tenzin Rondel   Dragon’ and has its origin in one of the sects of Buddhism   contribution  of  the  United  Nations.  Our  membership  to
               practiced in Bhutan.
                                                              the  United  Nations  afforded us the opportunities  to take
 Wangchuk      Your country became a UN member in 1971. How can you   our  messages  out  to  the  world  -  messages  of  our  values,
                                                              challenges and ideas on numerous global issues. One such
               assess the UN membership contributed to your country, in   idea being the concept of Gross National Happiness.
 Permanent Representative of   what ways, in what spheres?
 the Kingdom of Bhutan to the   This year marks the 50th anniversary of our membership of   Owing  to  resource  constraints,  Bhutan  has  only  few
                                                              diplomatic missions abroad. Membership in the UN and
               the United Nations. It has indeed been a long journey. The
 United Nations  United Nations was created with a singular purpose to take   participation  in  multilateral  processes  provided  Bhutan
               collective action to prevent another devastating world war   the opportunity to engage meaningfully with other states
               and it accorded primacy to sovereign equality to its members   and  opened  opportunities  to  develop  mutually  beneficial
               irrespective  of  the  economic  and  military  influence  one   political,  economic,  and  social  relations.    Therefore,  UN
               wielded.    The  principle  of  sovereignty  equality  and  the   membership  enabled  Bhutan  to  integrate  into  the  global
 Your Excellency could you tell us about yourself.  Bhutan has been a monarchy since 1907 until 2008   collective  safeguard  of  the  independence  of  its  members   community.
 Firstly,  I  am  deeply  gratified  to  be  given  this   when His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck, the   would  have  undoubtedly  been  very  appealing  for  small
 space  to  talk  about  my  country  Bhutan.  I   Fourth King of Bhutan, on his own volition and   countries like Bhutan. Smaller countries have the tendency   You are the only country that considers happiness value -
 am  Tenzin  Rondel  Wangchuk,  serving  as   much against the will of the people introduced   to place the issue of sovereignty equality and independence   GNH (Gross National Happiness) over productivity value
 Permanent  Representative  of  the  Kingdom  of   parliamentary democracy. Since then, politically   as a national priority and Bhutan is no different.  (GDP - Gross  Domestic Product). Tell us more about it.
 Bhutan to the UN Office and other International   Bhutan  has  been  a  demoractic  constitutional   The  UN  actually  designated  the  Day  of  Happiness  based
 Organizations in Geneva. I am also accredited as   monarchy.  Today,  His  Majesty  Jigme  Khesar   Bhutan’s membership to the United Nations is a watershed   on  Bhutan’s  proposal  (Day  of  Happiness,  celebrated
 ambassador to Switzerland, Austria and Norway.   Namgyel  Wangchuck  reigns  as  the  Fifth  King   moment  in  our  history  and  also  marks  the  beginning   internationally 20 March). What does happiness represent
 I started my career in the Ministry of Finance   of Bhutan and the third democratically elected   of  our  journey  towards  modernization  and  embracing   for your country as a nation and for you as a person?
 and  joined  the  foreign  service  in  2004  and   government  is  in  office.  Our  monarchy  is  the   globalization.  Prior  to  this  period,  Bhutan  was  a  closed   Bhutan’s idea of pursuing happiness as a state policy in a
 served in our diplomatic missions in India and   singular  unifying  force  and  the  institution  of   country and much of our engagement prior to this period     written official document can be traced back to our ancient
 Belgium. I served as Director of the Department   Monarchy is deeply revered in Bhutan.  was  confined  within  the  limits  of  our  neighbouring   legal  code  of  1629  which  states  that,  “if  the  government
 of Multilateral Affairs in my ministry before the   countries.  Bhutan  certainly  could  not  continue  with  its   cannot  create  happiness  for  its  people,  then  there  is  no
 current assignment.  Geographically,  Bhutan  has  only  two   traditional ways of governance and subsistence economy. It   purpose for the government to exist”. I believe that this has
 neighbours,  India  to  the  South  and  China   was a choice made with great clarity and purpose.  its origin in the buddhist philosophy of pursuing the middle
 Tell us a little about your country. Does the name   to  the  North.  As  a  landlocked  country,  we   path  towards  enlightenment  by  avoiding  the  extremes  of
 Bhutan have any special meaning?  live  through  many  constraints  and  lack  of   When  Bhutan  was  admitted  as  a  member  of  the  United   self-gratification on one hand and self-mortification on the
 It would be fair to say that Bhutan is relatively   resources  considered  essential  for  our  easy   Nations, we were one of the poorest countries in the world.   other.
 known  across  the  world  more  now  than   integration into the global economy. Despite   Bhutan was clubbed with other poor countries, mostly from
 we  were  a  few  decades  ago  and  for  a  small   this, we have made many gains in the last six   Asia and Africa, in the category of least developed countries,   In today’s context, the concept of Gross National Happiness
 country  receiving  international  attention  only   decades to become one of the most progressive   which was created by the United Nations in the same year   was first espoused by His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck
 occasionally, it is quite understandable that we   countries in South Asia. And we have achieved   of our membership. As one of the least developed countries,   as  a  sixteen  year-old  King  during  the  early  years  of  his
 still run into people who have not heard of us.   this  without  undermining  our  tradition,   Bhutan received financial and technical assistance from the   reign in the 1970s. He believed that happiness was a more
 Bhutan is a deeply traditional society with our   culture,  and  environment.  This  is  not  to   funds  and  programmes  of  the  United  Nations  and  other   preferable  measure  of  Bhutan’s  progress  than  theories  of
 distinct  history,  culture,  heritage,  systems  and   say  Bhutan  is  a  paradise.  Like  in  any  other   international  organizations.  Without  a  doubt,  the  United   conventional  economics.  As  such,  all  our  development
 values.  Ofcourse,  Bhutan  is  one  of  the  most   country,  modernization  and  development   Nations  along  with  many  bilateral  development  partners   policies and programmes were guided by this philosophy
 peaceful countries in the world.  has  also  brought  to  Bhutan  different  sets  of   contributed significantly to the socio-economic progression   and continues to do so to this day. I am inclined to believe

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