Page 89 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 89

international                                                                               international

 Majesty the King. These volunteers were deployed by the thousands   You are a mountain country, and in a way you   to altitudes of 5,320m. This will probably be the
 across the country along with personnels from other law enforcement   are  facing  similar  problems  as  all  mountain   world’s  toughest  ultra  marathon  and  will  test
 agencies to support and serve their neighbours and communities. The   countries  are  facing,  including  Switzerland  -   the limits of the fittest athletes. And hopefully,
 Royal  Government  organized  relief  flights  and  repatriated  home  its   climate change and melting of the glaciers. How   we will be able to relay the message of the threat
 citizens from all over the world. Our COVID 19 response measures are   are you coping with this?  of  climate  change  to  mountain  countries  like
 more stringent than most countries and partly explains for very few   Climate  change  is  an  existential  threat  to   Bhutan.
 cases in Bhutan.  humanity which everyone seems to understand
 but international efforts to reverse global warming   We  have  taken  measures  to  protect  the
 As the pandemic continued to abate and the border remained closed,   is severely lacking to the point where it can be   health,  lives,  livelihoods  and  happiness  of  the
 the economy took a severe hit. Tourism industry came to a standstill.   frustrating  for  small  and  resource  constrained   people  of  Bhutan  from  the  adverse  impacts  of
 Many people were laid off from their work. As most expatriate workers   countries like Bhutan which is doing more than   climate  change  by  building  adaptive  capacity
 left  the  country,  major  construction  works  and  industrial  output   its  share.  In  the  global  discourse,  the  bigger   and  resilience  to  reduce  vulnerability  and
 slowed down. Cost of essential goods, normally imported, went up.   picture of global warming becomes everybody’s   by  integrating  adaptation  actions  into  the
 In every sense of the word, the situation seemed hopeless. To counter   problem but nobody’s job when clearly we are all   development  planning  process  at  all  levels.
 the impact of the pandemic on our socio-economy, the government   aware where the burden of responsibilities lies.   We  also  strive  to  ensure  adequate  means  of
 instituted many schemes in place.  Bhutan continues to advocate for a more robust   implementation  (through  finance,  technology,   “Bhutan is one of the few countries
 global  response  to  climate  change  while  our   capacity  building,  research  and  awareness,
 Upon the command of His Majesty The King, the government waived   national actions on climate change have received   integration)  to  support  both  mitigation  and  in the world which is carbon
 off interest payment and EMI for loans owed to the banks by individuals   global acclaim. Bhutan was the chair of the Least   adaptation actions.  negative and we have committed
 and business houses for three months and the cost was borne by the   Developed Countries (LDCs) negotiating group
 government. Additional monetary measures such as deferment of loan   on climate change in 2019 and 2020.  Your  country  is  considered  by  travelers  as  a   to remain carbon neutral for all
 repayments and provision of working capital and short-term loans at   dream  destination  that  is  almost  inaccessible.
 concessional interest rates were rolled out to ensure that relief measures   Bhutan is one of the few countries in the world   In  reality,  it  is  not  only  difficult  for  travel  times to come.”
 were adequate and inclusive. His Majesty’s National Resilience Fund   which is carbon negative and we have committed   connections  (only  by  flight,  high  mountains),
 was set up in April 2020 to provide economic relief to people through   to remain carbon neutral for all times to come.   but you also have a very high tourist daily tax
 the  Druk  Gyalpo’s  Relief  Kidu.  The  Relief  Kidu  granted  monthly   This is the highest level of national commitment   (smth like USD 250 per day, which might be too
 income support to individuals and loan interest payment support to   any  nation  can  make.  More  than  70%  of  our   high for a ‘middle-class’ traveller). Will you take   enhancing opportunities for the future. Where
 borrowers. Over 37,000 people and their children have been granted   land  area  is  under  forest  cover  and  58%  has   measures to increase tourism (after pandemics)?   our  tourism  industry  is  concerned,  there  are
 monthly income support in the last one year (now extended until June   been designated as national parks and biological   To make your country more tourist accessible?   misconceptions  and  misrepresentations  about
 2022), while close to 140,000 loan accounts benefited from the interest   corridors.  Our  constitution  requires  that  we   Your country has fascinating heritage - cultural   limits set on the number of tourists who can visit
 payment support. Strange as it may appear, even stray dogs were fed   maintain  60%  of  our  land  area  under  forest   (7  sites  are  submitted  to  UNESCO  WHL)  and   Bhutan annually and your question about a daily
 during the lockdown. For youths who lost their jobs, various schemes   cover.  unique biological reserves (plants and animals).   tax of US$ 250.
 for alternative employment such as commercial farming, skilling and   Tell  us  how  we  can  visit,  e.g.  Tiger’s  Nest,  one
 upskilling of youths to find jobs in the construction industry etc were   Bhutan  is  highly  vulnerable  to  the  adverse   of  most  sacred  Buddhist  sites?  Or  will  you   Firstly, there are no limits set by the government
 undertaken. Schools and colleges reopened only toward the end of the   impacts  of  climate  change  and  in  fact  we  are   develop safari-style tourism to see your unique   as to the number of tourists who can visit Bhutan
 academic year. Our education system had to reorient to provide online   living through it. The two main drivers of our   biodiversity?                   annually. When Bhutan opened up for tourism,
 lessons, which was not easy.  economy,  agriculture  and  hydropower,  are   The rules governing tourism in the country were   there were limitations in terms of our tourism
 climate sensitive and unabated warming of our   put in place in 1972 that paved the way for the   infrastructure  (flights  and  tourist  standard
 Since  the  closure  of  our  borders,  His  Majesty  The  King  has  been   planet  will  be  catastrophic  for  small  countries   arrival of the first group of 287 tourists in 1974.   hotels)  and  as  such  only  a  limited  number  of
 travelling across the country meeting people and to ensure that people   like Bhutan. We also face increasing threats from   Then, Bhutan’s tourism was entirely a government   tourists would visit Bhutan then. Today, things
 are safe and provided for. Bhutanese are fortunate in that we enjoy   climate hazards and extreme events such as flash   undertaking.  Today  tourism  is  managed  by   are  vastly  different.  We  have  regular  flights  to
 great leadership in the person of our King and in this instance, we   floods, glacial lake outburst floods, windstorms,   private  entrepreneurs  and  the  government  is   Bhutan from India (Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and
 have managed to stay ahead of the curve and saved Bhutanese lives.   forest  fires  and  landslides.  Our  glaciers  are   concerned with matters related to policies, rules   Guwahati),  Bangladesh,  Nepal,  Thailand  and
 So far, only one COVID19 related death has been reported in Bhutan.   melting  at  an  unprecedented  rate  and  if  this   and regulations governing our tourism industry.   Singapore and we intend to expand our network
 Personally,  the  most  striking  observation  was  the  sense  of  charity   continues  unabated,  it  would  endanger  our   Bhutan  has  always  followed  a  policy  of  “High   to  the  Middle  East  and  East  Asia  in  the  near
 and volunteerism among Bhutanese people during this time of great   source  of  water  and  it  will  also  affect  lower   Value, Low Volume” tourism and has consistently   future. This would allow visitors more choices
 national need. I suppose it is this sense of national solidarity that makes   riparian countries like India and Bangladesh.   sought  to  ensure  a  cautious  tourism  sector   on  how  they  wish  to  enter  Bhutan.  Ofcourse,
 Bhutan uniquely different.   growth that is within the carrying capacity of our   tourists can also enter Bhutan through our land
 To  highlight  the  need  for  immediate  climate   physical, socio-cultural and natural environment.   borders via India.
 We have been able to successfully vaccinate about 80% of our adult   action and draw greater international attention   The  premise  of  our  tourism  development
 population in March/April during a week-long vaccination campaign.   to  save  our  glaciers,  Bhutan  is  organizing  ‘the   policy  is  rooted  in  the  overall  development   Over  the  years,  several  tourist  standard  and
 Ofcourse, we have much to be grateful to India for donating the vaccines.   Snowman Run’ across the northernmost district   philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH)   high-end  hotels  have  come  up  in  Bhutan,
 While we remain hopeful that things will improve from hereon, it is   of Bhutan, and challenges runners to cover over   to promote sustainable tourism that meets the   thereby enhancing our capacity to accommodate
 unlikely that things will be normal in Bhutan in the immediate future.  300 kilometres in less than 5 days, taking them   needs of present visitors and destinations while   more tourists. I must add here that our tourism

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