Page 90 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 90
international International
“GNH is a sum of our moral and operators in Bhutan listed on the website of the
Tourism Council of Bhutan at https://www.
ethical values. Today GNH has
become our identity.” And back to your philosophy of happiness.
Happiness is what we need, what the world
needs right now. How can you help? (We read
that your country is now releasing a new
documentary ‘Gross National Happiness’ with
policy requires that tourists must stay at least the aim to spread ‘Happiness’ in the post-
in three star hotels. The daily tariff of US$ 250 pandemic world).
is not a tax but a pre-paid packaged cost for a I agree that the fundamental aspiration of
mutually agreed packaged tour programme every individual is happiness. But there must
which covers a visitor’s stay in a three star be clarity as to what real happiness means as
hotel, all meals, dedicated chauffeured SUV supposed to momentary pleasures and sensual
for ground transport, all meals, and a certified delights. In Bhutanese context, at an individual
tour guide with pre-arranged itinerary. If one level the concept of happiness is deeply rooted
chooses to stay in a high-end hotel, the daily in the teachings of Buddha that aversion and
cost will be much higher. This tariff also includes attachment are the root cause of all sufferings.
USD 65 as a sustainable development fee, which We believe that to be happy one must find the
goes to the government exchequer to fund middle path between the two extremes of self-
sustainable development initiatives. However, if gratification and self-mortification. Our national
you compare our tourism policy with the more pursuit of Gross National Happiness is therefore
liberal policies of other countries where a tourist not a total abandonment of material growth. It
can back-pack and choose to stay in motels or is about finding a balance between material and
cheap lodges, our tourism policy is restrictive spiritual growth. Our King His Majesty Jigme
and is not intended for budget travellers. But it Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk said ‘GNH has come
is a deliberate choice we have made to ensure to mean so many things to so many people. But
that Bhutan remains a high-end destination. In to me, it signifies simply, ‘Development with
the last decade or so, Bhutan has seen a surge of values’. This quote perfectly captures our national
tourists arrival from the neighbouring countries aspirations.
leading to overcrowding and diluting Bhutan’s
image as a high-end destination. To address this From the prism of GNH, GDP as a growth model
concern we have come up with a revised tourism is fundamentally flawed in that it is exploitative
policy and also enacted a Tourism Levy Act in and unsustainable.While global discourse of
2020. GNH has gained momentum in the last few
decades, it is my opinion that it was never and
Bhutan has much to offer to visitors in terms is not our intention to preach the world on
of products and experiences which are entirely GNH as an ideology everyone must embrace.
different from any other country in the world. But it certainly is a deliberate choice Bhutanese
The spirituality and peaceful nature of our people have made and it defines who we are as
country, our unique architecture and dresses, Bhutanese. It defines how we co-relate and co- NEW Double degree with University of Plymouth (UK)
our festivals, pristine environment and many exist with our neighbours, in our communities
more hold great attraction for the visitors. In and with our natural environment. GNH is a
preparation for post COVID 19 pandemic, we are sum of our moral and ethical values. Today GNH
presently working on developing new tourism has become our identity. Beyond our borders, it
products viz: wellness and wellbeing, adventure, is for individuals to choose how they wish to live BACHELOR AND MASTER PROGRAMS IN:
ecotourism and agrotourism. I think it is for and for governments to decide how to govern
good reasons that Lonely Planet listed Bhutan as their people. There are examples of happy poor • International Management
the number one destination for tourists out of families and rich depressed millionaires. For
195 countries in 2020. individuals to be happy, it is about making the • International Relations and Diplomacy
right choices based on values of morality and
The most practical way to travel to Bhutan is to ethics. And human beings are intelligent enough • Digital Media
contact one of the government-licensed tour to know the right from wrong. •
• Business Analytics
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0 w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h • Computer Science