Page 86 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 86
that it was not the intention of our leaders to internationalize GNH as means have become more important than the
a framework for economic development until the early 1990s when it goals. I would say GNH is a much higher goal
started gaining attention and interests beyond our borders. International than SDGs and SDGs would become one of the
scholars and academics started giving various contexts to the concept means to achieve GNH.
of Gross National happiness and it gradually gained the attention and
endorsement of governments and political leaders around the world. In many ways SDGs are constructed from
This motivated Bhutan to table a resolution in the General Assembly of a linear consumptionist view requiring
the United Nations in 2011. The General Assembly resolution 65/309 unlimited exploitation of earth’s finite resources
entitled “Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development” was representing individualism. Sustainability, as
unanimously adopted without vote and designated 20 March as the defined in its purest form, does not really find
International Day of Happiness. serious consideration in pursuit of SDGs. SDGs
strive to improve the material conditions of this
To us as a nation, the concept of Gross National Happiness as a guide earth’s inhabitants whether it is sustainable or
for our policy interventions has gained more traction and substance not. A fundamental difference between GNH
over the years. The Constitution of Bhutan which was adopted in 2008 and SDG is while SDG is about growth, GNH is
states that “The State shall strive to promote those conditions that will about well-being. GNH strives to strike a balance
enable the pursuit of Gross National Happiness.” Therefore, today between material and spiritual growth. They are
the Royal Government of Bhutan pursues economic development to incompatible in how they are conceptualised View of Choka. StillImage; Print Plate 1 from Samuel Davis (1813), Views in Bootan
create an enabling environment for happiness for its people as required and measured and how “sustainability” of
by our Constitution. We have developed 72 measurable indicators development is understood and addressed. GNH would be a gross misinterpretation to say that by the effects of the pandemic. It is fair to say
covering 9 domains of development to measure happiness. To some is a programme of social and economic change ‘One Nation, One People’ imply a country of that the world was totally unprepared for such
extent, the need to pursue an evidence-based GNH on empirical geared towards operationalising the notion of singularity with uniform behavior dictated by a virulent assault. What we have learnt from
data was influenced by growing international interest in GNH and good development that promotes collective the state. Quite contrary to this, it accepted the this pandemic is how deeply this world is
to make it more globally accepted as a new development paradigm. happiness as its ultimate value. plurality and diversity of the people. For a small interconnected. Bhutan is no exception and we
All our national policies and programmes have to go through what is country, Bhutan is linguistically very rich with have been severely affected, more economically
called the GNH screening tool. The GNH Screening Tool evaluates, Some time ago (in 1989) your country about nineteen different dialects being spoken than epidemiologically.
monitors, sets goals and raises national consciousness about what proclaimed a policy ‘One Nation, One People’ - across the country. Traditions and beliefs differ
conditions are conducive to the happiness and wellbeing of the people, was it to contribute to happiness ? Do you have from one valley to another. In the olden days, The first case of COVID19 was reported in Bhutan
and country as a whole. If the national policies and programmes do ethnic minorities? With a different ethnically even food habits differed from one district to on 5th March 2020. The National Response and
not fulfill the criteria of the GNH tool, such policies and programmes identity? Of different religious identities? Are another. In Bhutan, we do not see diversity as Preparedness Plan was immediately activated
are not adopted. In essence, the narrative of GNH has evolved from an you supporting and encouraging this? Is it not points of differences. Rather, Bhutanese identity is and the national alert level was raised to
abstract aspiration to a quantifiable tool. Today, it is technically defined in contradiction with the above policy or do you built on the strength and freedom of its diversity. ‘Orange’. Schools were closed nationwide. As
as a, “multi-dimensional development approach seeking to achieve a support diversity and make this unity ‘one nation’ Again as a small country, we do not socially the pandemic worsened in India, Bhutan took
harmonious balance between material well-being and the spiritual, harmonious, and if so, is your philosophical stratify people horizontally or vertically based the hard decision to close its international
emotional and cultural needs of society.” concept ‘Happiness’ (GHI) the unifying ground? on ethnicity. To do so would be divisive. We only land borders and subsequently international
The policy of ‘One Nation, One People’ is identify ourselves as Bhutanese. Our identity as flights by the third week of May. The capacity of
When the narrative of happiness is broken down and taken at an a familiar political ideology which can be a Bhutanese, our institution of monarchy and health facilities such as ICUs were immediately
individual level, opinions about what happiness means differ among associated with several political leaders our national development philosophy of Gross enhanced. Schools were converted into isolation
individuals, often confusing pleasure from happiness.It is difficult and countries around the world, each with National Happiness are common points of wards. Flu-clinics were set up across the country.
to contextualize a universally acceptable definition of happiness at different intent but primarily as a rallying call social mobilization for a united and harmonious In the initial phase, when we ran out of sanitizers,
individual level. And to do so would be fraught with risks. Rather, we to a common national goal. Where it concerns Bhutan. the Royal Government freely distributed locally
should leave it to individuals to determine what makes them happy. Bhutan, it is important for both the discerning made hand sanitizers. Extensive advocacy
To me, a life of happiness would be a life lived with good values and and undiscerning to understand our national You came to Geneva during the pandemics, and materials were developed and broadcasted on
to be human and not individualistic. As a buddhist, we believe in the context in terms of our history, geography, you see how it affects the international life here. our national TV and other forms of media.
transient nature of life and we try to dedicate present life in preparation economy and demography. The smallness of Geneva is also in the centre of international Contact tracing apps were introduced. We built
for the next. our country in every respect renders Bhutan travels etc, so you can see and witness how we are up our food and fuel reserves by importing our
very vulnerable. Therefore, we have been very affected here. Bhutan does not have such a high requirements from India. Hotels, which were
How do you consider Happiness vs SDGs? Is it a separate goal? Or are deliberate in preserving our unique cultures, flow of international visitors, and no such net of now empty, were converted into quarantine
all SDGs goals together make happiness? Please debate. traditions and historical heritage, a combination transportation - was it less affected by pandemics? centers. As against the globally accepted norm of
It would be difficult to argue that SDG and GNH are different in terms of which projects a unique Bhutanese identity. What measures were taken in the country? We 14-days, we quarantined people entering Bhutan
of its approach in that both are quantified and measurable, and cover To us as Bhutanese, our identity is both a mental saw you have the highest vaccination rate (same for three weeks in hotels, the cost for which was
many of the same domains. Yet it is also difficult to accept that they are construct of our values and physical exhibit of as in Israel, who is a vaccination leader). Is your borne entirely by the government. Thousands of
one and the same. For one, SDG is a time-bound globally negotiated our ways of life. Preservation and promotion life back to normal? youth signed up for ‘Dessung’ or Guardians of
normative agreement that has specific mathematical targets where of our national identity is a national priority. It Needless to say, no country has been spared Peace - a volunteer programme initiated by His
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h