Page 95 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 95
international international
further up the mountains. Today the lake tends to
be small, depending on the winter, and sometimes
huge pieces of ice, like icebergs, float on it.
Viewpoint 2 – Betternhorn, 2700 m – the most
dramatic site (in my view)
Betten is completely different from Fiesch: not a
village, but giant modern parking lot surrounded
by mountains. The village itself, Bettmeralp, is
2000 meters higher and car-free. From here you
take a gondola to a still higher point – the foot of
the Bettmerhorn. To catch it, you must cross the
whole charming mountain village – it is probably
my favourite after Zermatt, which is visible from
here. In fact, the local villages and some hotels
advertise this, saying “there is no need to go to
Zermatt to see the Matterhorn, you can see it
Dramatic crevasses world. You will see the nameplate “UNESCO from Bettmertalp”. Actually, the village has one
Aletsch Glacier lounge”, and stones everywhere. Those are the of the best views of the Matterhorn.
view point 2 “lucky stones” of the Aletsch Glacier, and there
is a legend that you can use them to let go of your As you cross the mountain village you will see
worries. If you take one of the stones and write nameplates indicating the lakes, as well as the The last train stop of the Aletsch Arena: Mörel, a something one expects at 2000 meters altitude. Viewpoint 2
your worry on it, then deposit it at one of the long glass tunnel up to the huge Bettmeralp lake. picturesque small town. Just in front of the train Betternhorn
three summits of the Aletsch Arena (Eggishorn, Finally, you will see the gondola that will take station you will see the geological museum and Why is there a villa in such a wild place? You may 2700 m
Bettmerhorn or Eggishorn) it symbolises leaving you to the Bettmerhorn viewpoint. the cable cars/gondola. Take the big cable car be surprised to learn it was the favourite place of
your problems behind you on the mountain. If that brings you to Riederalp Mitte. You will have King Edward VII, Churchill, and Tyndall. What
you are sceptical, wait until you get there and see This second viewpoint deserves more time. There to backtrack slightly - that is why I suggested you fascinated them about this place? You can learn
how you feel – the sensation is incredible. You is a panoramic restaurant with an astonishing walk from Bettmeralp - to find the gondola to this - and about one of the most mythical places
are above the clouds, feeling the strength of the 360-degree view, a view platform and several Moosfluh. If you are there in summer, you will in Switzerland – if you read my article in the
Glacier, and in front of you are the Matterhorn different view places. If you are an adventurer, see the Hoohfluh gondola, but need to continue next issue.
and Mont Blanc. All this certainly puts your you might want to climb the mountain, but be further until you see the Moosfluh.
worries into perspective! careful – it is difficult, marked blue to indicate Practical tips:
However, do not get lost in the feeling - if you that special training and shoes are required, so Moosfluh is the third viewpoint for the Aletsch You can make the trip by car, driving to Fiesch
want to get to point 2, you should not spend more perhaps you should keep it for another time. Glacier. Some like it best, because it is much and taking cable cars and goldolas, in which case
than an hour before returning. It may be worth But if you are just a visitor like me, you should lower and closer to the ice. There is even a path you may wish to purchase the 55CHF Aletsch
coming back sometime for a short tour around go around all the viewpoints. This is the most leading to the glacier itself, but do not take this discovery one-day ticket covering the whole
Fiesheralp, to enjoy the view of Matterhorn, dramatic view of the glacier as from here you without a guide. If you want some adventure, Aletsch Arena including unlimited cable cars/
see the paragliders, and the very nice village of can see the deep crevasses. The view of the you can take an easy 30-minute hike on the gondolas and the train between Mörel and Fiesch.
Fiesch below. However, for now, take a train surrounding glaciers and mountain-peaks is also mountain and reach the smaller cable car to It allows you to park your car in Fiesch, Mörel
back to Betten - or drive to Betten Parking, breath-taking in its drama and tragic beauty. return. Hoohfluh is closest to the glacier, but or Blatten for the whole day. Alternatively you
direction of Brig - in the return direction. It is best done with a Rideralp guide. From Hoohfluh can purchase a Swiss day railpass which covers
twenty minutes’ drive, or eighteen by train. you will see the Aletsch forest, which is part of the train and includes also all villages (car free)
There are stones her as well, and also a museum.
Walk around and spend at least an hour to get a this UNESCO heritage site. up to an altitude of 2200 m, so you only have to
Optional: there is one spectacular site close to sense of the glacier from this point. Afterwards, if buy a half-fare ticket to the highest viewpoints -
Eggishorn, that deserves to a special mention you are travelling by car, you need to go back down So, now you have a full impression of the glacier, Eggishorn, Bettmerhorn and Moosfluh. You will
– the glacial lake Marjelen (Gr Marjelensee, to Betten, but otherwise you can enjoy reaching and can decide what exactly you will explore need to start your journey early to be in Fiesch
2350 meters). You will not be able to reach it the next town by an easy 40 minute walk, either via next time, what will be feasible to hike, or be by 10 am if you intend to cover all the above,
unprepared, but could consider making a special two lakes, or by a road that links Bettmeralp with worth seeing again. Theoretically your day as the high gondolas close at 4.30 pm in spring
journey to feel the living glacier from there. If you Riederalp. If you prefer the car or train, go down will be over, but you might want to take a walk and autumn and 5.30 pm in summer. However,
take a guide you can even go out on the ice for and it will be only one stop (direction of Brig). over to Riederalp to see this tiny and elegant the cable cars from the mountain villages to the
several hours. This lake is a treasure, but also a town. And while crossing look up: you will not railway work late, so you can walk up to the Villa
treat. As the melting water frequently destroyed Viewpoint 3 – Moosfluh-Hoohfluh 2300 m believe your eyes. A gorgeous luxury villa is and explore it on the same day. •
the town of Fiesch, the villagers had to relocate
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h