Page 100 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 100
international International
“Surely this is the future we ‘city of the future’ sci-fi sound to it, there is
an economic basis for a city in this location.
would like to see – low-density Thirteen per cent of the world’s trade flows
housing, with parks and gardens through the nearby Red Sea, and the location
is accessible from three continents.
reprieved from hanging and
available to everyone, regardless One way in this remains a somewhat
Babylonian project, however, is in its
of wealth or mobility?” conception. In legend, the Hanging Gardens
were the archetypal ‘top down’ project,
commissioned by King Nebuchadnezzar II
Similarly, The Line is backed by the Saudi
royal family as a benevolent measure to supply
future housing and industry for their citizens-
all kinds of jobs from home that were once to-be.
thought to need high-density cities, with tiny
apartment buildings, cramped offices and All of the ‘future living’ projects so far discussed
crowded infrastructure. Furthermore, what have had this Babylonian principle. They
about the accessibility issues of elevated green represent the dreams of renowned celebrity
spaces – did anyone else’s ageing knees hurt architects, or even royalty, who are ready to
at the thought of 1,500 steps in the Hanging offer citizens their imagined ideal homes. The
Gardens of Haifa? Line project goes even further – it will be a The Line_Neom
city of the future governed by an artificial
Even though a tower block can be made intelligence. Future citizens may be thrilled to design tools with centuries-old construction The Chesa Futura is not a one-off mega-
comparatively eco-friendly and clad in live there, or, to be more precise, those who techniques to create an environmentally- project, it is a mini-manifesto for architecture,
greenery, is this Babylonian solution really the are thrilled by the idea will definitely want sensitive low-rise apartment building. not only in Alpine or mountain areas, but
best one to giving us all green spaces? Those to live there as it will be a unique and near- Although its form is novel, it is framed and in other parts of the world too. Contrary to
of us lucky enough to benefit from nearby unimaginable experience. clad in timber – one of the oldest and most the pattern of sprawl that disfigures so many
natural spaces during lockdown have valued sustainable building materials. In Switzerland, expanding communities, it shows how new
how they give us access to nature, as well as However, not everyone is so thrilled to live timber construction is particularly appropriate buildings can grace their surroundings while
allowing easy social distancing. Surely this is in a city governed by artificial intelligence, as it follows traditions developed and refined sustaining indigenous building techniques
the future we would like to see – low-density and prefer less “smart”, more conventional, over centuries. The building’s larch shingles and conserving the natural environment.
housing, with parks and gardens reprieved living. The market forces of large cities dictate naturally change colour over time to a
from hanging and available to everyone, that whatever is created will be occupied, silver-grey and should last a century with All of the buildings in this article have a good
regardless of wealth or mobility? so any homes, skyscrapers with gardens, or minimal maintenance. Furthermore, timber ideas and intentions at heart. It is good to
cities run by artificial intelligence, will be is a renewable resource; trees absorb carbon think of green spaces in places where people
One ‘lateral’ project along these lines is ‘The used in whatever case. However, what would dioxide while growing, and this is stored live, and it is good to think of alternatives to
Line’, a proposed interconnection of four the citizens decide if the choice were theirs? in wood products, allowing room for new high-rise buildings like The Line. However,
city-groups along a 100-mile route. The plan They might prefer something more like their carbon-absorbing growth. Finally, if local this green space-plus-horizontality thinking
is to preserve 95% of already existent natural existing lives, but more healthy and green, timber is used, transport energy will be saved. finds its apotheosis on the idea of cities
resources in the area, by building transport especially given the recent experience of spreading and growing horizontally within
and service levels underground, leaving the pandemic. Unlike the other buildings in this article, the existing landscapes, with eco-friendly
ground surface free for pedestrians, housing Chesa Futura does not include a green space, buildings spaced out for privacy, beauty and
and nature. To be more democratically controllable, a because its organic, rounded shape and low- comfort. This may be the best alternative to
project must be smaller and more flexible than rise aspect is designed to fit among green all those prestigious vertical or horizontal
The proposed site for this ‘smart’ city is the gigantic investments discussed. It would spaces, either pre-existing, or grown around Hanging Gardens and may be our best hope
Southwestern Saudi Arabia. It will be a zero- need low-rise, green, sustainable buildings it. It lives harmoniously with an ecosystem, for avoiding the Babylonian fate of people
carbon-emission city, powered by renewable which can be easily integrated with existing rather than specially creating one, and who build their towers too high. • •
energy, designed to have essential services in natural resources. Step forward the Chesa combines all the efficiency savings of multiple
walking distance, with the rest accessible by Futura – Home of the Future in the Swiss dwellings such as shared heating and other
high-speed underground transportation – the Romansch language. Designed by Sir Norman facilities, without creating an inhuman high-
‘spine’ of the Line. Whist this has a somewhat Foster it combines state-of-the-art computer rise Babylon.
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