Page 104 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 104
international culture
an integrated approach. The latter concept Artistic Self of
leads to the working definition of circular
cities, which promote circular sustainability Marit
within their boundaries and hinterland, i.e.,
circularity in their economy, social construct, FOSSE
and environment.
In short, the outcome of our urban future is
conditioned by the need to adopt sustainable
circularity to respond to demographic
pressures, increasing urban migration and the
greater ecological footprint of the cities. The
deteriorating living conditions within existing
cities should not be scaled-up through
careless expansions nor be used as model
for new urban development in fast-growing
economies such as in Asia. To this end, a new
data ecosystem should enable an integrated
infrastructure-system planning approach
for urban areas, with the aim of inclusive
prosperity, environmental sustainability and
social justice for all citizens.
To support cities in developing and Meeting the
implementing their circularity strategies, in Editor-in-Chief of
2020, United Nations Economic Commission
for Europe published “A Guide to Circular Diva International
Cities”. The Guide starts with an assessment
of the main developmental and sustainability Diplomat magazine
challenges that cities are facing and the ways
in which the concept of circular economy can Writer and…. Artist
be extended beyond the economic sphere and Pierre Virot
be applied to different city assets. •• By Evelina Rioukhina
Blue, ocean turquoise, sunny orange, fresh fascinating story of the Covenant of Nations,
About “A Guide to Circular Cities” green, but also dark yellow, brown, violet, about the last Secretary-General of the League
purple, grey and black. Abstract or cubist, of Nations, Sean Lester, and its final days
allegorical or concrete, chaotic forms or during the Second World War. She has taken
“A Guide to Circular Cities” (020) was developed within the precise definition. This is a special springtime us on a fascinating trip to the Arctic with
framework of the United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) in the life of Marit Fosse: a pandemic spring. world-renowned historian and humanitarian
initiative. The development of this Guide was led by Mr Okan Geray, Fridtjof Nansen, who later became the first
Strategic Advisor to Smart Dubai (Dubai, UAE). This Guide contains We know Marit as the long-standing editor-in- High Commissioner for Refugees.
a circular city implementation framework that is designed to support chief of Diva International Diplomat magazine,
city governments in their efforts to improve circularity in cities the magazine that she founded among – and Also, there are, quite unexpectedly, her
and support their stakeholders in implementing circular actions. for – the Geneva international community. paintings: many different ones. Are these
The Circular City framework consists of a four-step methodology Through her interviews we have come to know a secret passion? Or is Marit taking us on a
that provides a consistent method for assessing, prioritizing and many people: leaders, diplomats, ambassadors, journey through forms and colours using
catalyzing different circular actions. UN secretaries-general and their deputies, a different language – not a pen, but paint,
ministers, and presidents. brush and colours?
Read the Guide at the UNECE website
Some of us also know her as a compelling and Marit has interviewed people throughout her
powerful writer. From her pen we learnt the life, making them visible while she remains
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