Page 106 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 106

culture       International

 excellent journalists who taught me the basics,
 and some continue to help me even today.

 Many people have a certain narrow conception
 of journalists, and that’s a pity. Sometimes you
 even meet people who ask, “How come you are
 only a journalist?” Yet, today most journalists
 have university degrees and are highly trained
 professionals,  and  it’s  really  intellectually
 stimulating to be surrounded by such many-
 talented persons.

 Why Diva?
 Diva is an international name, and it was my
 best friend who gave me the name.

 Everybody has a story of arriving in Geneva.
 Tell us your story.
 Another pure coincidence. I got an opportunity
 to work in the World Health Organisation as a
 finance officer. I am trained as an economist/  When  it  comes  to  my  books  it’s  another  a  different  reason.  Was  there  anything  in  “I have
 in the shade. I am fortunate to be one of her  finance person from the Norwegian School of   coincidence. I had not finished my PhD thesis,  common between those two situations?  painted ever
 friends,  and  also  one  of  her  admirers,  and  Economics & Business Administration (NHH),   so, one day I decided that it might be time to  Well, in brief, one can say that there are many   since. I have
 my awareness of her humility inspired me to  and I also graduated in social sciences from   finish it. The director of my thesis, my mentor,  similarities between our current time and the   taken part in
 introduce her from a different angle.  the Institut Catholique de Paris.  had passed away, so, instead of the economic  1930s leading up to the Second World War.   exhibitions,
               and social sciences, I ventured into political  Some  say  that  history  tends  to  repeat  itself.
 Meet with the editor-in-chief of the magazine.  How  do  you  see  Geneva  through  the  years,   science  and  ended  up  doing  research  about  Let’s hope this will not be the case. However,   followed
 Let us travel with her through her story, her  and in particular the role of the magazine in   the League of Nations. Instead of a PhD thesis,  I  would  say  that  there  are  many  lessons  to  some classes,
 vision, her interviews, her books, and perhaps  ever-changing Geneva?  I ended up writing a book. Then, the director  be learned from that period and perhaps we  and I
 “Geneva is a   she will give us the key to her secret garden  Geneva is a not a major metropolis, but it has   of the library, Mr Pierre Pelou, suggested that  should encourage people to read and reread   continue to
 not a major   – her paintings.  a unique spirit. It has the advantages of being   I  should  “dust  off”  Nansen,  so,  I  started  to  history.  improve my
 metropolis,   a relatively small city with the feel of a major   look into his life, the political situation after   skills –
               the Frist World War, the refugee situation etc.  You  were  confined  in  France  for  several
 but it has a   First of all, tell us about the magazine. As we  cosmopolitan  one.  I  would  say  it’s  a  perfect   John Fox was working with me at that time,  months.  Is  that  when  you  started  to  paint,   or, let’s say,
 unique spirit.   know,  you  created  this  magazine.  How  did  mix. Geneva is a unique place when it comes to   and we signed the book together. It was then  or does you been painting go back to earlier  I hope I do.”
 diplomacy and international relations and an
 It has the   your decision to create it come about?  followed by the book about Sean Lester. Since  years? And how did it happen that you started
 First of all, thank you for the honor you do  interesting place to be simply because there are
 advantages   me.  I  don’t  pretend  to  be  an  accomplished  so many interesting things happening, be they   then I have pursued my research. My colleague  painting?
 of being a   journalist but rather an eternal apprentice. I  in the field of health, human rights, economy   Katya  and  I  have  just  finished  another  one  In sequential order, it goes like this. I started
 relatively   fell into journalism by accident, I love it, but  and  finance,  international  negotiations  or   that has taken us three years of research, and  to paint, then Diva came along, and then the
 small city   to say that I am on the same level as everybody  whatever. I do not think anyone can change   we hope that the book will be published this  book writing. Painting was something I had
               year.  It  was  delayed  because  of  the  current  always wanted to try, so, one day, once more
 with the feel   else would be pretentious.  Geneva apart from the people who live here.   pandemic situation.  by pure coincidence, I got the chance to try
 They  are  the  ones  contributing  to  make  the
 of a major   Life  is  filled  with  coincidences,  and  Diva  is  city what it is today – open, accessible…  out oil painting. The following day I went out
 cosmopolitan   one  of  them.  When  I  was  working  in  WHO   The  period  you  write  about,  in  your  book  and got canvas, brushes and tubes of oil paint.
 one.”  as  a  finance  officer,  a  colleague  journalist  Your books are impressive. Where do you get   about  Sean  Lester,  describes  the  dramatic  I  have  painted  ever  since.  I  have  taken  part
 pointed out that there was no magazine for the  this inspiration?  setting of a totally abandoned Palace, during  in  exhibitions,  followed  some  classes,  and  I
 international community, and he intended to  Libraries are great places to find inspiration,   the spring. It was long ago, during the Second  continue to improve my skills – or, let’s say, I
 create one. He was going to do the writing, and  and  in  particular  the  one  we  have  in  the   World War. You describe the last days of the  hope I do.
 I was going to help him. However, it did not  United Nations. It is a wonderful place filled   League of Nations, and its Secretary-General
 turn out that way, and all of a sudden, I found  with dedicated and clever people. The library   who decided to stay inside the Palace as the  When  I  paint,  I  play  with  colours,  when  I
 myself  doing  something  I  had  never  dreamt  organises Library Talks and many other events,   captain  of  the  sinking  ship.  The  Palace  got  write I play with words. You know there are so
 of doing. I was very lucky because I met some  and it’s a real source of inspiration for me.  suddenly  abandoned  this  Spring  again,  for  many talented people out there, I’m just lucky

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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