Page 108 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 108

culture                                                                                           culture

 for me to tell you how and why. There is no   of  seeing  the  glass  half  empty  or  half  full.
 driving  force,  nor  are  there  any  plans.  It  all   A  friend,  Noha  Baz,  a  Lebanese  paediatric
 comes to me when I’m there with my brushes,   doctor and writer, called her autobiography Il
 canvas and tubes.  n’y a pas de honte à préférer le bonheur (There
               Is  No  Shame  in  Pefering  Happiness).  I  think
 Who are your favourite painters, styles? What   she is right, for in life you have the choice of
 are your favourite museums?  seeing the positive side or the negative. I try to
 Personally, I think artwork has to touch you, to   choose the positive one.
 create an emotion either good or bad. For me
 that’s how it works. When it comes to painters   If you were to paint today, what exactly would
 it’s a matter of taste, and also mood. One day   you paint, what colours would you use?
 you can be thrilled by a Matisse, another day   Another  very  difficult  question.  Inspiration
 it  might  be  something  completely  different.   comes and goes. It’s impossible for me to say
 I  like  the  classics  such  a  Monet,  Van  Gogh,   what I would paint, or which colours I would
 Miro, Chagall, and many, many others.  use until I start to paint.

 When it comes to the museums, there are so   You have been interviewing so many people.
 many interesting places to visit – either it’s in   What  were  the  most  significant  episodes  or
 New York, Paris, London or Geneva. I have not   meetings or interviews that impressed you?
 had a chance to visit the Hermitage in Saint   I am and have been very lucky to meet a lot
 Petersburg,  which  is  must  be  a  marvellous   of people from all over the world. They have
 one, but I was very lucky to visit the Salvinsky   all  taught  me  something,  about  their  lives,
 Museum in Nukus, in Uzbekistan, with their   about  their  professions,  their  conceptions
 unique  collection  of  avant-garde  Russian   of life. I like people, and there are so many
 paintings.  It  was  a  wonderful  museum,  and   interesting people out there who do so many
 thanks to Mr Salvinsky and his passion for art,   interesting and positive things. These are the
 art history had to be rewritten.  people I like to meet, the people I feature in
 What  message  are  you  trying  to  convey          talking  to  one  another  and  looking  out  for
 through  your  paintings?  Why  those  colours,   Who  is  for  you  an  example  to  follow?  As  a  each other.
 to have found another way to express myself.  why  those  abstracts  –  is  it  how  you  see  the   person, as a leader, as a writer, as a journalist
 current situation?  or as a painter?                 Do you have dreams that you would like to
 Do you plan to have an exhibition here – art  You are asking very difficult questions,   Personally, I get inspired of the people who do  make true – to achieve through the magazine,
 exhibition? You have magnificent paintings. The  and I can only cite Jean Cocteau: an artist   good to others, the unsung heroes. They might  through the paintings, books, or through any
 current  situation  makes  long-term  planning  cannot speak about her/his art any more   not  be  in  the  public  eye,  but  they  are  there  other forms?
 quite difficult. I will participate in a joint exhibit  than a plant can discuss horticulture.  every day taking care of others, stretching out  As  any  other  human  being,  I  have  dreams   “We have now
 in Paris shortly with mainly Lebanese and Arab   a hand to those who need it.  about a better world where people can live in
 artists. The exhibition is entitled Beirut for ever.  What  I  want  to  convey  through  my   harmony and peace with each other.  gone through a

 (Galerie Terrain Vagh, 24 Rue des Fossés Saint- -  paintings  is  what  Wassily  Kandinsky   We  have  now  gone  through  a  historical   historical and



 “Lend your   Bernard, 75005 Paris). .  once  said:  “Lend  your  ears  to  music,   and  completely  surrealistic  period  during  What are your plans for future?  completely
 ears to   open  your  eyes  to  painting,  and...  stop   this  pandemic,  and  I  think  it’s  been  an  After  having  finished  answering  all  your   surrealistic
 music, open   You use a rich palette of colours, playing so  thinking!  Just  ask  yourself  whether  the   awakening  period  for  many  people.  What  questions,  my  immediate  future  plan  is  to   period during
 your eyes   easily with them as a true magician, and you  work  has  enabled  you  to  ’walk  about’   do we realise? That we need each other, that  go and steal chocolate in a friend’s office. He   this pandemic,
 to painting,   are  so  much  at  ease  with  different  painting  into  a  hitherto  unknown  world.  If  the   we need solidarity and that at the end of the  always has a box of chocolate on his table, so   and I think it’s
 and... stop   styles. Where does your inspiration come from  answer is yes, what more do you want?”  day, there is no difference between rich and  one day when he was out, I knocked on his   been an
               poor, between the important people and the  door  and  “borrowed”  one  or  perhaps  two.
 – your travels, events in life? What exactly is
 thinking!”  your driving force for the paintings?  Are you optimistic by nature? Do you believe   “common mortals”.  I  later  confessed  my  crime,  and  now  I  have   awakening
 Thanks  a  lot  for  your  kind  words.  We  are  in the “light at the end of the tunnel”, and if   the  authorisation,  and  my  nickname  is  “the   period for
 surrounded  by  colours,  and  we  are  lucky  so, how do you see it?  The COVID pandemic has shown us that we  chocolate thief”. Now, I even suspect that he   many people.”
 to live in a region where the colours change  You are indeed very clever at asking difficult   are  all  the  same.  So,  I  think  what  we  could  is  always  making  sure  that  he  has  enough
 according to the seasons. I presume I was born  questions. Life consists of ups and downs for   do is simply be more there for one another,  chocolate in case I drop by…                       ••
 with this rich palette of colours. It’s impossible  everybody,  and  we  always  have  the  choice   stretching  out  a  hand  to  our  neighbours,
     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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