Page 113 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 113
International International
Who for you are outstanding personalities
of the century (or even Millenium, previous
and current one) about whom you would
like to write. Do you have plans for your
next book? Are there personalities in today’s
world who fascinate you?
I have been studying the American founding
Fathers with varying intensity. It obviously was
a very important moment in history, both for
America and for the ideal of self-determination
and modern democracy. I focused specially on
Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Declaration
of Independence. Some time ago the idea
came up to write a “Conversation across the
Centuries between Thomas Jefferson and
Mikhail Gorbachev.” The questions would be
written by me but the answers would be taken
from the writings of both leaders. I think
this could be a very fascinating dialogue.
Two great personalities, two great visions
and two great leaders, not only for their
countries but for all humanity. Of course the
given importance of the relationship of their
respective countries in more recent times
and today could create additional interest.
I also would like to research and study further Understanding a Colossal World Figure
the life and work of Indian spiritual leader Sri
Chinmoy (1931-2007). He came to New York in Reflections in relation to
better than direct conversation, one that usually 1964 with a message for inner and outer peace
involves a summit meeting, you cannot come up and self-development. He was an extremely Mikhail Gorbachev’s 90th birthday.
with. In direct conversation, you cannot hide creative man in the arts and initiated many
the truth.” global projects for peace. He lead twice weekly
Peace Meditations at the United Nations in
Working here for long time, what you think New York from 1970-2007 and entertained By Michael S. Karlen
of the role of Geneva in changing the world friendships with many personalities of his
or as a capital for peace and diplomacy? Do time, incl. Mikhail Gorbachev.
you see this role increasing in the future? On March 2 Mikhail Gorbachev celebrated is not honoured in his own country – this is Receiving the
It all depends on people, ideas and actions. his 90 birthday. It is 30 years since his last also true for Mikhail Gorbachev and Russia. Nobel Prize
Geneva has an exceptional history of peace year in power as President of the Soviet But a growing number of people in Russia,
and humanitarian work, of an open and Union. By that time much of the Eastern specially from the younger generations are
searching spirit and of a great infrastructure European landscape had changed, Germany turning towards Mikhail Gorbachev and
and network of international organisations. In was reunited, the Cold War had ended and want to know more than what is written
the example of Vladimir Petrovsky whom you The book “Michael Gorbachev: there was a new trust and cooperation in in the history books or is shown on TV.
so well portrayed in your last issue you can Essential Thoughts” can be available international relation, led by better relations
see how much one person can do for the city, at Amazon and both books mentioned between the US and the Soviet Union. Much Mikhail Gorbachev is a fascinating personality,
for the United Nations and for bringing the in the interview (i.e. “Michael of the credit for these unprecedented positive a towering world figure, a phenomenon
world together in a spirit of understanding, Gorbachev: Essential Thoughts” and changes goes to Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1990 in many ways. His power of vision, his
trust, and cooperation. Yes, I believe Geneva “Vladimir Petrovsky. Master Diplomat” he received the Nobel Peace Price. Even governing ideas, his integration of moral and
has all the possibilities to strengthen its role as can be ordered at https://www. after his resignation as head of state of the ethical values into politics were far ahead of
a vital and essential force for positive change Soviet Union he remained hugely popular his time. The book “Essential Thoughts” by
and development in the world. in the West, right up to this day. A prophet Mikhail Gorbachev gives a good insight into
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h