Page 115 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 115

International                                                                                                           International

                               this colossal world figure. The editor Michael  to  reduce  military  spending  and  channel           and  nature.  All  the  rest  derives  from  that.   “Imagine that an alien space-
                               S. Karlen has selected some passages for us.  resources thus saved to peaceful development.”           We  therefore  must  first  change  ourselves,
                                                                                                                                      through  self-education  and  multidisciplinary,  ship approached Earth and
                               Humanity’s Historic Maturity Test      Trust in international relations                                worldwide, and cross-generational interaction.
                               A deeper analysis of Mikhail Gorbachev’s life  “I want to stand up for the very notion of trust        And, having changed ourselves, we must come  sent the message: ‘Take me to
                               and  an  identification  with  his  ideas,  ideals  in international relations. This is not something   together in all our diversity to build a new world.”
                               and  political  thoughts  and  visions  bring  ephemeral,  not  just  “good  intentions.”  This  is                                           your leader.’ Who would that
                               profound  results.  We  discover  a  person  that  what happens when parties respect each other        In  the  transition  to  a  new  paradigm  of
                               is deeply connected with the world’s situation,  and  take  into  account  each  other’s  interests.   human  existence  it  is  critical  that  we  find  a  be? Without doubt, Mikhail
                               its  needs  and  its  possibilities.  Following  are  And this is achieved by concrete deeds, concrete   way to bring about rapid, sweeping change of
                               elements taken from the writings of Mikhail  agreements.” He certainly gave a tangible and             human  consciousness  and  actions  worldwide.   Sergeyevich Gorbachev.”
                               Gorbachev that show the way to a time and  clear example how this can be done during his               Consciousness  is  the  main  problem,  because
                               situation  when  humanity  has  finally  grown  time as President of the Soviet Union.                 it  will  affect  politics,  business,  the  legislative   New York Times editorial, May 21, 1989
                               up, has matured and has learned how to live                                                            process and culture.
                               together peacefully and in solidarity and trust.  Rising above narrow national interests               We  need  to  bridge  the  gap  between  our
                               For  Mikhail  Gorbachev  such  a  time  is  not  “For me, the important thing is the central idea      consciousness and the challenges of our time.
                               only an achievable reality but also an absolute  of shifting from a sense of belonging to a nation     “Today  a  new  perestroika  is  needed,  a  individual that will allow a new civilization to
                               necessity for the survival of the human race.  to  a  sense  of  belonging  to  the  human  race.      perestroika of the mind. We need a philosophical  flourish on Earth.”
                                                                      Whether we like each other or not, we will have                 perestroika.”
                               Nuclear Disarmament                    to live on this planet together. Hence our most                                                        As for Idealism...
                               “The  only  way  towards  genuine  peace  important task is to master the art of getting               Individual responsibility              “As  for  idealism  and  visionary  thinking,  I
                               is  to  eliminate  these  weapons  [nuclear  along together. And since this situation will be          “Today  it  is  my  dream  that  every  aware  think no politician can do without an ideal, a
                               ed.]  altogether.  To  embark  on  this  path  around for quite a while, we have to learn to           citizen should be ‘a president of the Earth’ and  dream,  without  passion  and  a  plan.  I  assure
                               means  to  pass  a  historic  maturity  test.  live side by side in a civilized manner.”               take responsibility for its fate upon himself or  you  that  starry-eyed  naive  dreaminess  is  not
                                                                                                                                      herself.” And he continues, “it is time for every  a  characteristic  of  Gorbachev.  My  ‘idealism’
                               If the life of billions of people is to be changed  The need for a philosophical Perestroika           person  and  every  nation  to  rethink  their  role  comes down to my belief in human dignity and
                               for the better in a most radical way, the funds  “In  the  final  analysis  the  main  source  of  our   in  global  development.  Everyone  needs  to  be  in  freedom  and  progress  as  the  fundamental
                               should be derived from what is now spent for  troubles  is  not  outside,  but  within  us,  in  our   involved.  Everyone  has  a  role  to  play.  And  it  and guiding values of human life. No more than
                               military purposes. In other words, it is necessary  attitudes  toward  one  another,  toward  society   is the personal involvement of each and every  that - but no less either.”

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