Page 120 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 120


 “Today it is  World  Heritage  area.  Once  there,  you  will  his wife erected a memorial on the mountain   over  the  villages,  the  two  largest  glaciers  in
 impossible to   see a distant, extravagant building with a big  slope  above  the  village,  between  the  Villa   the  Alps—the  Aletsch and  Fiescher—grew
 imagine that     glass terrace, looking as if it is hanging on the  and the hotel Belalp, at an elevation of 2340   over  the  next  two  centuries,  reaching  their
 the glacier   cliff – the Belalp Hotel. If you go past it, you  metres  and  in  sight  of  the  Aletsch  Glacier.   maximum  lengths  around  1850.  The  most
 will see the stone border – the Aletschboard,  Both  the  memorial  and  Villa  can  be  visited
               dangerous area was near Lake Marjelen, the
 tongue came   from which the tongue of the majestic Aletsch  on the ‘Tyndall trail’. His writings showed that   lowest point. When the lake overflowed, three
 right up to   glacier can be seen. Today it is impossible to  he was attracted to the area by the glacier, the   hundred and fifty-three million cubic feet (10
 this wall just  imagine  that    the  glacier  tongue  came  right  stunning natural scenes thereabouts and the   million cubic metres) of water inundated the
 200-300  up  to  this  wall  just  200-300  years  ago,  as  hospitable villagers.  However, there may have   valley  below,  damaging  property  and  killing
 years ago, as   nowadays  it  is  so  far  away.  The  view  is  still  been another attraction.  This area is also one   people.
 nowadays   fascinating, however, and in summer you can  of the most legendary places in Switzerland.
 see how tragically far the tongue has moved
 it is so far   away - since 2000, it has retreated 1 km.
 away..”  The  historic  Bealp  Hotel  is  an  unusual
 building.  Although  today  it  looks  very
 modern  with  the  glass  terrace  overlooking
 the cliff, it dates back to 1856, which explains     “This will not work without sacrifice,
 its imposing Belle Epoque appearance.  It is
 a  mountain  hotel,  receiving  mainly  British  Witch of Belalp  but it means we will preserve the
 guests, as well as the Irish alpinist and natural  Since the Middle Ages, Belalp was known as   wonders of our world for our children
 scientist  John  Tyndall  (1820-1893).  Despite  the land of witches because of the legend of   Several times the local citizens had to rebuild
 the  obvious  modernization  of  the  hotel,  it  a witch who took the form of a black raven   from  scratch.  The  villagers  of  Fiesch  and  and grandchildren.”.
 honours  him  with  the  original  19   century  to  wreak  havoc  across  the  region.  To  this   Fieschertal  in  canton  Valais  offered  prayers
 furnishings  in  the  ‘Tyndall  Room’,  which  is  day  there  is  a  belief  that  the  witch  must  be   against  the  advancing  Aletsch  glacier  that
 available to guests who want to breathe in the  chased back to the glacier before she causes   threatened  their  homes.  They  tried  to  stop  great  danger.  Alps  and  pastures  vanish,  and
 atmosphere of that time.   more harm.  She was accused of many local   the  glacier  with  crosses,  some  of  which  can  towns die out.”
 misfortunes,  as  well  as  killing  her  husband,   still be seen today, and made formal vows to
 John Tyndall and Belalp  and was eventually burned at stake.   live  virtuously  and  pray  against  the  growth  Can the Pope and the reverse prayers save
 John Tyndall’s writings greatly helped develop  This became part of local folklore, and at the   of  the  Aletsch  glacier  and  the  flooding  of  the Glacier today?
 international Swiss Alpine tourism.  He was  beginning of each year people came here to   Lake Märjelen. The bishop of Sion, the Pope’s  Will  even  this  be  enough  to  tame  Climate
 fascinated  by  the  Aletsch  Glacier,  and  he  chase the witch to ensure that the coming year   ambassador in Bern, took their prayer to Pope  Change?  Researchers  are  predicting  that  by
 studied glacier movements and climate change  will be safe. Nowadays, the Belalp ski club has   Innocent XI for his official approval.   2050 temperatures in the Swiss Alps will rise
 on the Belalp.  He was also a keen mountaineer  an  annual  Witch  Hunt,  a  week-long  skiing   In  addition,  since  1862,  the  local  villagers  by  1.8  degrees  Celsius  in  winter  and  by  2.7
 - on 19 August 1861, Tyndall, accompanied by  event at the start of January. Skiers dress as   have  held  an  annual  five-hour  procession  degrees Celsius in the summer.
 two mountain guides, was the first to conquer  witches,  wear  masks,  and  participate  in  the   to Ernerwald chapel on July 31, St Ignatius’s
 the difficult Weisshorn. A year later, he made  12km Witches’ Descent. With cries of  “D’Häx   feast day, to reinforce their prayers. Since that  What can we do as individuals?
 the first ascent of the southwest shoulder of  isch los!” (“the witch is loose!”) they take part   time the glacier has never flooded Fiesch, and  Global  rethinking  is  necessary  to  preserve
 the Matterhorn, now called the Pic Tyndall.  in  this  almost  Olympic  descent.  The  Witch   over 300 years it has retreated 3,5 km – 1km  glaciers worldwide, and this will be discussed
 The Matterhorn had until then been regarded  Hexe  is  the  biggest  winter  sporting  event   since 2000. “We prayed for the ice to recede,  during  the  upcoming  meeting  on  Climate
 as unclimbable.   in  Valais  canton,  with  an  official  ceremony   and  our  prayer  worked  –  too  well”,  say  the  Change in Glasgow in November 2021. This
 and presentation of awards. This year it was   villagers. Today, the villagers no longer worry  was  also  discussed  in  Switzerland  in  June,
 However, it was Belalp that captivated Tyndall,  cancelled  due  to  the  pandemic,  but  I  still   about floods, but about having less drinking  and  the  vote  decided  that  every  person  not
 and he returned here for 44 years. Like Cassel,  journeyed  there  at  New  Year,  to  chase  the   water, energy, and food for their animals, as  only has responsibility but is deeply involved.
 he  wanted  something  more  than  the  local  Belalp witch down to the glacier and ensure   well as more forest fires.   We  must  become  more  sustainable  in  our
 hotel, so he decided to build a chalet with a  nothing bad would happen this year. Whether   In  2009  the  local  parish  council  petitioned  consumer behaviour and habits. This will not
 view  of  the  Aletsch  Glacier.  Belalp  became  I was successful, it is up to you to judge.   the Vatican to allow a change in the prayer’s  work without sacrifice, but it means we will
 his  mental  and  spiritual  home,  his  small   wording. A year later the Holy See agreed, and  preserve  the  wonders  of  our  world  for  our
 Alpine university from where he could study  And the Pope in all this?  Pope Benedict gave his blessing for the vow to  children and grandchildren. Admittedly, the
 the glacier. The chalet, now called now Villa  The people of the devoutly Catholic Fiesch and   be reversed. Now, on 31 July, people in Fiesch  situation  looks  catastrophic,  but  if  we  want
 Tyndall, is one of the highest mountain villas  Fieschertal villages have made an the annual   pray, “The glacier is ice, ice is water and water  our glacier to survive we are ideally placed to
 in the Alps.  It is at the height of Belalp and can  pilgrimage  here  since  1676,  when  Europe   is life. Without the glacier, the springs run dry  see  and  reflect  upon  it.  Visiting  the  Aletsch
 just about be seen from Brig. After his death,  was in the grip of the Little Ice Age. Looming   and brooks evaporate. Men and women face  Glacier is the first step in protecting it.

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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