Page 117 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 117


                                                                                                                                      disturbed  his  writing.  The  farmers  refused,
                                                                                                                                      and Cassel had to intervene, asking them to
                                                                                                                                      stuff  straw  in  the  bells  to  muffle  the  noise.
                                                                                                                                      The writing Churchill subsequently produced
                                                                                                                                      included a biography of his father.
                                                                                                                                      “I  have  waited  a  week  so  as  to  write  with
                 King, Churchill, Tyndall,                                                                                            certainty  about  the  effect  which  this  place

                                                                                                                                      produces,” he told his mother in August 1904.
                 Witch and… The Pope                                                                                                  “It is wholly good. I sleep like a top and have
                                                                                                                                      not  ever  felt  in  better  health.  Really  it  is  a
                                                                                                                                      wonderful situation. A large and comfortable
                 All Saving a Fragile Titan  (part 2)                                                                                 four-storied  house,  complete  with  . . . every

                                                                                                                                      luxury that would be expected in England, is
                                                                                                                                      perched on a gigantic mountain spur 7,000ft
                                                                                                                                      high, and is the centre of a circle of the most
                                                                                                                                      glorious  snow  mountains  in  Switzerland.
                                                                                                                                      The air is buoyant, and the weather has been
                                                                                                                                      delightful. The days pass pleasantly and very
                                                                                                                                      rapidly - I am astonished to think I have been
                                                                                                                                      here a week.  Far below in the valleys which
                                                                                                                                      drop on both sides of the house, the clouds are
                                                                                                                                      drifting, and beneath and through these, green
                                                                                                                                      plains and tiny toy churches and towns . . . ” The
                               By Evelina Rioukhina                  construction so that the community would be                      Villa was one of Churchill’s treasured places,  “Far below in the valleys which
                                                                     prepared to sell him land.                                       definitely  his  favourite  place  in  Switzerland,   drop on both sides of the house, the
                                                                     The Villa was built between 1900 and 1902,                       and is still sometimes called “Churchill’s Swiss
                               The previous article considered dramatic climate  and everything from chandeliers and leather          retreat”.                              clouds are drifting, and beneath and
                               change impacts on the Aletsch glacier, a Swiss  armchairs to pianos and bookcases had to be
                               UNESCO  heritage  site  and  Europe’s  biggest  carried  up  by  mules,  carriages  or  by  hand.      Pro  Natura  Centre  –  the  first  Switzerland   through these, green plains and tiny
                               glacier.  This  article  is  about  the  fascinating  Cassel,  his  family,  and  guests  -  including   nature reserve                       toy churches and towns . . .”.
                               stories  and  legends  surrounding  this  glacier  major European nobility and politicians – also      After Cassel’s death in 1921, the Villa was used
                               –  people,  spirits  and  witches,  kings,  prime  made the four-hour journey from the valley          as a 25-room hotel, and many famous people
                               ministers and even the Pope – how they have  on mule or horseback. Once there, the banker              stayed there.  However, in the ‘60s, its remote
                               all been involved with it. The first article ended  entertained  them  with  rounds  of  bridge,       location made it unsustainable, and it was due  special flavour. At that time, not so long ago,
                               with the Villa Caselle, at the foot of Riederalp.  excursions into the Aletsch forest, and grand       to be demolished when it was bought by the  the Glacier was still much bigger and higher,
                                                                     balls.  Apparently,  political  discussions  were                Schweizer Bund für Naturschutz, and in July  so it was easy to go down and take a tiny slice.
                               Villa Caselle                         frequent  and  heated.  King  Edward  VII  was                   1976  Villa  Cassel  reopened  as  the  Aletsch  This is, of course, no longer possible.
                               The glamorous Villa Cassel appears curiously  one  of  Cassel’s  bridge  opponents,  his  name         Forest  Conservation  Centre,  the  Pro  Natura
                               out of place, perched on a mountain ridge above  written simply as «The King» on a scorecard           Centre Aletsch. It was the first nature reserve  If  you  look  away  from  Villa  Cassel,  across
                               the biggest glacier in Europe. How did it end  preserved at the Villa.                                 in Switzerland, and is dedicated to protecting  the huge canyon, you will see a village with
                               up on the Furka ridge at 2,080 metres altitude?                                                        the  natural  flora  and  fauna  in  the  Aletsch  a chapel and might even see the stone wall at
                                                                     Churchill’s Swiss retreat                                        Arena. The Villa still retains its unique features,  the village edge. Travelling to this other side is
                               The  story  begins  with  a  wealthy  British  One  frequent  guest  was  Winston  Churchill,          and the main dining room is dedicated to its  difficult - a hike can take up to 7 hours (level
                               banker,  Sir  Ernest  Cassel,  who  was  advised  whose  father  had  been  Cassel’s  friend.  He      history, with many original artefacts including  T3 difficulty), which is why it is better to get
                               to travel here by his doctor – the eminent Sir  often  came  to  the  Villa  between  1904  and        the piano that was carried up here on villagers’  there from Brig. The area is called Belalp, the
                               William Broadbent, Physician-Extraordinary  1913, seeking escape from the stress of being              backs 120 years earlier.               wall is a viewpoint called Aletschboard, and
                               to Queen Victoria.  Cassel loved the mountain  an MP and minister, as well as peace to write –         Some of my colleagues, who are fond of the  they are among the most legendary places in
                               and glacier views so much that he continued  he used a heavy typewriter, carried up for him            place, remember travelling four hours uphill to  Switzerland.
                               to return long after his lungs had recovered.  on muleback. Local legend has it that early in          this Villa, with their luggage carried by mules.  Belalp and Aletschboard (viewpoint no. 4)

                               Finding  the  local  hotel  a  little  modest,  he  his first stay he was annoyed by the cowbells      It  was  a  special  event  to  stay  in  Churchill’s  The easiest way to Belalp starts in Brig, then
                               decided  to  build  a  more  lavish  residence,  when  cattle  were  driven  past  the  house  and     room, and having a slice of Aletsch Glacier as  goes up to Blatten, where a big gondola takes
                               setting  up  a  charity  to  finance  local  school  asked  for  them  to  be  removed,  saying  they   part of the evening ice-cream dessert gave a  you  the  rest  of  the  way  to  Belalp,  a  Unesco

                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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