Page 94 - DIVA_MY WORKS 1918-2022
P. 94
predict this trend will continue over the coming
The Future:
What is the best outlook for the Great Aletsch
Glacier by the end of the century? How much
of it will still be visible from nearby Eggishorn?
If climate change continues, not much. This
is the conclusion reached by researchers at
the Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and
Glaciology (VAW) at ETH Zurich, who simulated
how the glacier will change over coming years by
Villa Cassel strong, but is not… it’s just as vulnerable”. He also applying a 3D glacier model to map the dynamics
2000 m altitude added that these photographs are both works of of an individual glacier in detail. They focused on
art and political statements, urging people to act three scenarios that take widely different starting
before it is too late. points regarding the concentration of CO in
The campaign won a Silver at Eurobest, and the the atmosphere, and thus also assume different
Grand Trophy at AME Awards. Out of sensitivity levels of global warming. They concluded that
to different cultural standards we abstain from the best-case scenario will be 50 percent loss, and
publishing any of those photos here, but if you this would be if global warming could be limited
are interested, you can google them under to less than 2 degrees Celsius. This is the limit
Greenpeace Tunick’s photos or Oxford photos stipulated in the Paris Agreement, but even now, will have serious consequences for humans and explanation, I will divide this area into 4 separate Viewpoint 1
by Tunick in Bettmealp. on average, Switzerland is about 1.9 C hotter biodiversity. As an Alpine country, Switzerland parts, which are of course interconnected as it is Iconic Eggishorn
Glaciers are a sign of our planet’s health, and the now than in 1864. For that best-case scenario to is particularly affected by climate change: its all the same glacier. 2999 m
fact that they are melting is nothing new: since happen, world greenhouse gas emissions must temperatures are rising twice as quickly as the There are 3 major viewpoints on one side of the
1850, the volume of Alpine glaciers has decreased be massively and rapidly reduced, so that the global average. glacier, and one from the other side which views
by 60%. What is surprising, however, is the rate climate can be stabilised from about 2040. “Even the glacier tongue. Let us start with the three on
at which the Alpine giants are shrinking. In in this case, we have to assume that the Aletsch What can we do as individuals? the same side: they are between Morel and Fiesch,
2019, loss of glacial mass reached record levels, Glacier will keep retreating until the end of the Global rethinking is necessary to preserve and this whole area is called Aletsch Arena. I
according to the Swiss Academy of Natural century,” the researchers say, “which means both glaciers as a unique biotope worldwide, and suggest starting from the highest viewpoint, but
Sciences. In just two weeks during the summer, ice volume and length will be reduced by more every single person has a responsibility. We you may also wish to go the other way round.
800 million tonnes of snow and ice were lost, than half of what they are today.” Large glaciers must become more sustainable in our consumer
the equivalent of an ice cube with sides about are very slow to react to changes, so even if the behaviour and habits. This will not work without Viewpoint 1 – Iconic Eggishorn 2999m – Place
a kilometre long, says Matthias Huss, head of global climate does stabilise relatively quickly, sacrifice, but if we look beyond our own lives we of Concordia
the Swiss glacier-monitoring network. Despite the Aletsch Glacier will continue to retreat. will preserve the wonders of our world for our Start your journey to the glacier from the village
the relatively mild summer, even 2020 “can be children and grandchildren. of Fiesch, after arriving by train or car. It is worth
considered a bad year for the glaciers”. Since the What can we do? Admittedly, the situation looks catastrophic, but if remembering that the Aletsch Arena above the
pre-industrial era, the temperature in Switzerland In 2019, the Federal Council decided that, we want to do something to improve it, and actually railway is a car-free zone. Take the most modern
has increased by almost 2° Celsius, twice by 2050, Switzerland should not emit more to help our glacier survive, we are in an ideal setting cable car to Fiescheralp, then continue higher
the global average. At this rate, half of the greenhouse gases than can be absorbed naturally to see it and reflect upon it. Visiting the Aletsch by a smaller cable car to the Eggishorn. Once
1,500 Alpine glaciers – including the majestic or by technical means. The new strategy set Glacier is the first step in protecting it. you are on the top you will be rewarded with a
Aletsch glacier – will disappear in the next 30 out climate policy guidelines up to 2050 and Whatever the reason for your journey – be breathtaking view above the clouds. You have
years. Researchers warn that if nothing is done established strategic targets for key sectors, it political, civic, environmental or simply probably seen it in photos, but that does not
to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, all glaciers building on the measures and targets of a revised curiosity, I have prepared tips for you on how to prepare you for the experience of actually seeing
in Switzerland and Europe risk melting almost CO2 Act, essential for achieving the net-zero see, understand and feel this site. It is a vast area, it.
completely by the end of the century. ETH emissions target. This will lead to a 50 per cent and knowing that many of my colleagues had When you emerge from the upper station you
researchers have calculated how much of the reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030 and put difficulty deciding where and how to go to. find yourself looking down on a huge river of ice,
Aletsch Glacier will still be visible by the end of Switzerland on track to meet its 2050 climate flowing slowly from the Jungfrau region to the
the century, and in the worst- case scenario, all target. The net-zero target is in response to the Tips for Visiting Massa gorge 2,500 metres below. The widest part
that will be left is a couple patches of ice. The latest scientific findings by the Intergovernmental You can divide your journey and make several is Concordia. In front of you will see the viewing
Aletsch Glacier’s tongue has receded by about Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These state trips, and I am sure that once you see it you platform hanging from the cliff above the Glacier.
one kilometre since the year 2000, and scientists that average global warming of just 1.5 degrees will return as it is indeed fascinating. For easier Walking around here is like being in another
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h