Page 37 - Bulletin, Vol.80 No.2, September 2021
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systems could be "considerable" due to             The role of confinement
            the  scale  of  the  pandemic,  notes              The  disorders  observed  during  this
            Professor  Paul  Harrison  (University  of         pandemic  are  not  only  due  to  the
            Oxford,  UK),  lead  author  of  the  study.       disease  itself:  confinement  is  also
            Especially    since    many     of   these         responsible  for  many  physical  and
            disorders are "chronic", requiring health          mental dysfunctions.
            systems to be equipped "to meet these
            needs".                                            The  psychological  effects  of  isolation
                                                               are  well  known  (polar  expeditions,
            Anxiety  disorders  already  observed              submarines,  prisons).  However,  the
            in Italy
                                                               scale  of  the  confinement  implemented
            An  earlier  Italian  study  (6)  carried  out     during the pandemic is unprecedented.
            on  400  infected  patients  in  the  Milan        The  consequences  of  isolation  are:
            region  already  indicated  an  initial            boredom, social isolation, stress, lack of
            increase     in   post-traumatic    stress,        sleep,  anxiety,  post-traumatic  stress,
            followed by depression in patients with            depression  and  suicidal  thoughts,
            Covid-19.  According  to  this  study,             addictive behaviour, hallucinations, and
            coordinated  by  the  Italian  hospital            also over-eating and obesity. Domestic
            centre of San Raffaele and published in            violence also increases, brought on by
            the  journal  Brain, Behavior and                  round-the-clock  idleness  and  living  in
            Immunity,  55%  of  patients  hospitalized         too close proximity.
            for  Covid-19  develop  a  psychiatric             We can add to this the decline in birth
            disorder    –    post-traumatic     stress,        rates  that has  occurred  throughout  the
            depression,  anxiety,  insomnia  and               world  – a  cause  of  concern  for  the
            obsessive-compulsive  disorder  –  one             future.  Conversely,  an  increase  in
            month  after  their  discharge  from  the          unwanted      pregnancies     has     been
            According      to   psychiatrist    Marion         As it can be seen, we are still far from
            Leboyer  (7)  “The consequences of                 fully  understanding  this  pandemic.  The
            Covid-19 (...) involve infected people             only  relatively  effective  measure  of
            who show concern for themselves or                 control  available  to  us  at  present  is
            their loved ones, but also uninfected              vaccination,  but  to  date,  only  a  small
            people, exposed to stress, anxiety (...).          portion  of  the  world’s  population  has
            The inflammatory effects of the                    been  vaccinated.  Furthermore,  as
            infection leave sequelae which increase            variants of the virus emerge, it remains
            the risk of psychiatric pathologies”.
                                                               to  be  seen  how  well  the  available
                                                               vaccines protect against them.
                                                               If you have persistent signs of fatigue,
                                                               anxiety, etc. even if the acute phase of
                                                               the disease is declining, it is strongly
                                                               recommended that you consult your
                                                               attending physician and if necessary, a

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