Page 38 - Bulletin, Vol.80 No.2, September 2021
P. 38


               1.  Long  Covid:  term  coined  by  an  English  patient,  has  been  widely


               2.  See WHO website.

               3.  Geneva  University  Hospitals:  study  published  in  the  journal  Annals  of

               Internal Medicine, 8 December 2020.

               4.  The Lancet psychiatry: Bidirectional associations between Covid-19 and
               psychiatric disorder: retrospective cohort studies of 62,354 Covid-19 cases

               in the USA: Prof Paul J. Harrison et al. 9 November 2020.

               5.  The Lancet psychiatry:  Six-month  neurological  and  psychiatric
               outcomes  in  236,379  survivors  of  Covid-19:  a  retrospective  cohort  study

               using electronic health records Prof Paul J. Harrison et al. 7 April 2021.

               6.  Francesco Benedetti Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 4 August 2020.

               7.  Director  of  the  University  psychiatry  departments  of  Henri  Mondor
               Hospitals in Créteil (Val-de-Marne), director of the Fondation FondaMental


               Fatigue most common Covid-19 symptom after five weeks

                                    Estimated five-week prevalence of symptoms

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