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                   In 1903 he bought his first painting by Sisley,  a  couple  of  weeks  after  the  Bolsheviks  had  Fondation
                   and this led him into French impressionism.  declared  that  Russians  living  outside  Russia  Louis Vuitton
                   Later he acquired works by Pissarro, Renoir,  were no longer citizens.        8 avenue du
                   Manet and others. Up to the Revolution, the                                   Mahatma Gandi
                   Morozov collection was open for visitors free  So, thanks to their love of art, we are today able  Bois de Bologne
                   of charge on Sundays.                  to see this unique collection of with more than  Paris
                                                          200 works of art. It is definitely one of the most
                   After  the  second  Russian  Revolution,  the  impressive collections of modern art that one
                   so-called  October  Revolution,  the  Morozov  can see in a lifetime. So, reserve your tickets
                   factories  and  artworks  were  confiscated.  By  for Paris, and visit this unique collection. You
                   that  time,  Ivan  had  collected  four  hundred  will definitely not regret it!       MF
                   and  thirty  Russian  works,  and  two  hundred
                   and fifty French works. He left Russia in June
                   1919 and emigrated to Switzerland. He passed
                   away on 22 July 1921, aged 49 years old, just

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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