Page 6 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 6

Q:  For a long time agriculture     development, dropped heavily, from   Q: If I understand you correct-
       has been a neglected area in de-    20 % in 1980 to  4 %  in 2004.       ly, farmers are the losers, while
       velopment policies, especially                                           multinational companies are
       in Africa. In your opinion what     A further important consequence      the winners?
       are the reasons for this?           of the liberalization of the markets
                                           around the world was an impor-       Yes.  I think the big winners in glo-
       Yes, indeed! I explain in my book   tant decrease in agricultural prices.   balization are the big groups -- the
       that since the 1980s,  a large num-  The price the producers receive has   transnational and multinational cor-
       ber of developing countries were in   followed a downward trend for de-  porations who had the opportunity
       debt. They needed loans from the    cades, with the exception of the 1974   to invest in agricultural structures,
       International Monetary Fund (IMF)   food crisis. Between 1980 and 2004   or in the areas from which the States
       and the World Bank. They received    prices for agricultural products that   had been requested to withdraw.
       them but they were asked to "put     the producers receive have dropped   And when you open up the markets
       their houses in order" through the   by 60%. The result is that these pay-  for imports, somebody has to handle
       so-called "structural adjustment pro-  ments are below production costs.   this business. National small and
       grammes". In other words,                                                        medium enterprises were
       it was explained to them                                                         not capable of doing that,
       that their economy would be                                                      and therefore it was the
       better off if it were driven by                                                  multinationals who took
       market forces, and if States                                                     over. These large groups
       and governments withdrew                                                         have obviously greatly
       from all economic activities,                                                    benefitted from these de-
       including agriculture.                                                           velopments and have be-
                                                                                        come extremely powerful.
       The consequences were,
       first, that governments                                                          Q:  In your book you
       were invited to withdraw                                                         also talk about Western
       from all economic activi-                                                        hypocrisy regarding
       ties. Second, governments                                                        the export of agri-
       were requested to suppress                                                       cultural products to
       subsidies and agricultural                                                       African markets.
       support measures, whether
       this concerned the purchase                                                      It is extremely difficult for
       of seed, fertilizers, support                                                    me to understand -- and
       for maintaining prices, land                                                     I speak as a convinced Eu-
       reforms, etc. Thirdly, and                                                       ropean. At the beginning
       above all, the IMF and the                                                       of the European integra-
       World Bank told these go-                                                        tion we set up a common
       vernments: "you should fo-                                                       agricultural policy. Our
       cus on agricultural products                                                     founding fathers said with
       for which you have a compe-                                                      clarity: "We do not want to
       titive advantage, especially                                                     depend on food imports.
       for export, such as coffee,                                                      We are not going to be
       tea, bananas, cotton, palm                                                       dependent on others. We
       oil, etc... With regard to                                                       want to produce our own
       food production, you should                                                      food ourselves." That's the
       favour imports so that your                                                      reason why we have imple-
       consumers can have access                                                        mented the Common Agri-
       to cheap food. To that effect                                                    cultural Policy, of which
       you should open your bor-                                                        one of the pillars is the so-
       ders and lower your tariffs."                                                    called Community Prefe-
       This was the approach that was re-   If you get a payment below your     rence. We still apply tariffs between
       commended and which prevailed        production cost, you have no        50 and 85% for our most sensitive
       for several decades, with the obvious   incentive to produce more and you   products, such as meat, dairy pro-
       result that food production was not   will even become discouraged and   ducts and grains.
       considered important.                may decide to give up. This is what
                                            has happened. A major change oc-    At the same time, through the World
       The consequences were dramatic!      curred with the 2008 world food crisis:   Bank and the IMF, we recommended
       The expertise that existed in the    food prices have exploded and, more   a policy to the developing countries
       Ministries of Agriculture went el-   recently, another problem has arisen   which is very different. We were
       sewhere, often to the private sec-   and that is a heavy price volatility   saying: "Staple food agriculture is not
       tor. Another result was that the     seriously affecting hundreds of mil-  important for you." On the contrary:
       part of development aid, which       lions of poor consumers.            "Open your borders and import".
       was always reserved for agricultural                                     (The Europeans might also have had

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