Page 11 - DIVA_1_2012
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where control is not easy. We have to   in the thinking and the resources made   moment. However, it can become fluid
        supervize the desert, several thousands   available at a time of tremendous eco-  at any time so it is fragile if other things
        of kilometres of borders. It is a big job   nomic and financial constraints. It is not   happen in the region. It is fluid because
        and we do not have the resources; by   at all unusual for major Member States   of the present flows of arms coming from
        the way, we are not mandated for this   and major contributors to set their prio-  Libya and elsewhere, and this numbers
        task. We are mandated to observe the   rities. I am not aware of their priorities,   in thousands.
        ceasefire between the Polisario and the   but if I was in their position I would do
        Kingdom of Morocco.                 the same --prioritize! I have limited re-  Q: Going back to the mission, how
                                            sources and I cannot go in all directions   do you manage people coming
        We have other generic resolutions from   at once.                        from all parts of the world?
        the Security Council concerning the se-
        curity and safety of UN personnel. I'm   Therefore, the situation has to be   We have an excellent mix of personnel,
        giving tremendous attention to this   viewed within the global political, mi-  both civilians and military from very
        matter and trying to push the parties   litary and security environment. Per-  different backgrounds. We do not have
        and neighbouring countries to colla-  sonally, I would love for the question   much friction between people. It may
        borate seriously in at least exchanging   of security in the Sahel and Western   happen but in general everything goes
        reliable information concerning what is   Sahara to receive the importance it de-  very well.
        happening in the Sahara region.     serves. It may look far away, but it is
                                            not. It is next door. Western Sahara   In comparison with many other mis-
        You must not forget that there has been   has a huge coastline -- and then in the   sions, what I feel is difficult is the lack
        the kidnapping of three humanitarian   vicinity you have the Canary Islands.   of dynamism. This mission has not
        workers from a camp east of here. The   Anything can happen in terms of traf-  been dynamic because of the nature of
        kidnappers are still unknown and there   ficking, in terms of transportation, etc.   its work. To change this approach -- to
        is no resolution of this issue. In retalia-                              make people more willing to take initia-
        tion, several weeks ago there was a kid-  When you speak about Western Sahara,   tive and not to sit behind their desks --
        napping and a killing of kidnappers in   about the Sahel, you cover not only these   is not an easy task. If I have a problem
        the North of Mali. We are now in a sort   particular regions, but also adjacent   with the mission, it is mainly this issue,
        of round of kidnapping and retaliation.   areas. You may talk about North Africa   not the diversity of the people.
        This makes me very worried knowing   by itself, then East Africa by itself, the
        the culture, since it gives weight to   trafficking between West and East Afri-  Q:  What kind of initiative would
        a sense of dignity and honour. If   ca, but soon you are concerned about   you like to see?
        somebody kidnaps somebody from one   the Atlantic Ocean, then the region of
        side, the other side have to do the same   the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to the West   I believe that field diplomacy is different
        in order to save face. Sometimes it is a   Coast of Africa which leads to Europe.   from traditional diplomacy. I feel-- and
        matter of honour, but we cannot ignore   We are talking about a small word and   I'm convinced of this -- that field diplo-
        the financial aspects -- poverty, the   the movement of people, because they   macy is like an American football match:
        attraction of money, cross-border and   have a tremendous motivation to flee.   you grab the ball and run; you have to
        cross-continent criminality in terms of   In order to survive they are ready to do   overcome all possible obstacles and try
        drugs and human trafficking. I have no   anything. Alongside this you have the   to get results. You cannot approach field
        proof but I would not exclude trafficking   ill mentality of terrorists who are either   diplomacy in the same way as negotia-
        in human organs -- it's a possibility.   pursuing money or political ideologies.   ting a treaty in the tranquil environment
        We do not have information about it,                                     of the Palais des Nations. It's completely
        but it remains a possibility. It is a messy   Q: So this is a troubled region?   different. This is my symbolic image of
        situation and anything can happen.                                       the RSG and peacekeeping.
                                             The situation is not as good as we may
        Q: Do you feel that people are not   wish, but Western Sahara is calm for the   Q:  Finally, what are your aspira-
        aware of what is going on in the                                         tions for the region?
                                                                                 My aspirations for the region are always
        There is a conflict situation -- if you                                  to try to make progress, to see results
        can still call it a conflict after thirty-                               and to make a difference in everything.
        five years, and the twenty-year exis-                                    Not to fall into a routine, not to fall into
        tence of MINURSO. It is not a situation                                  the regular routine of a civil servant, and
        threatening regional and international                                   to continue what I believe should be a
        peace and security. Therefore, compared                                  vocation for me and for others. I know it
        to other situations like those in Libya,                                 exists, for me and other people, but they
        Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Syria, it                                      need to be pushed. Belief in peace and
        does not have priority in the thinking                                   peacekeeping exists. It may have to be
        of the international community, the                                      groomed. Maybe it has to be put in the
        Big Powers, the Security Council, etc.                                   forefront of everyone's mind that we are
        And do not forget that there are other                                   here to accomplish a vocation and not
        conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa.                                         simply doing a job.

        All of these are receiving different prio-
        rities -- not only in the media, but also

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