Page 12 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 12

Interview with the

                  MINURSO Force Commander

         Major-General Abdul Hafiz

                                                 Bangladesh Army

          In any peace-keeping mission there are two "big bosses" -- one is the
          Secretary-General's Special Representative who is in charge of
          the "civilian" aspect of the mission and another one who is in
          charge of the military component. We had the opportunity of
          meeting with both. Here is our interview with Major-General
          Abdul Hafiz, who was recentely appointed as the force commander
          of MINURSO.

        Q: What is your background?         Q: What is the difference between    in 1991 -- the Royal Moroccan Army
                                            being the force commander in         and the Front Polisario.
        I was appointed the MINURSO force   the Côte d'Ivoire and here in
        commander in July  2011  and I took   Laayoune.                          We have thirty-two military observers
        over responsibility during the first week                                from twenty different nationalities in the
        of August. This is my second mission   Essentially, the mandates are different.   military component. They are deployed
        as force commander. Previously, I was   In Côte d'Ivoire the mandate was to or-  in nine team sites, on both sides of the
        force commander in Côte d'Ivoire for   ganize elections, provide security for the   sand wall that separates the belligerents.
        UNOCI for about a year -- from March   elections, and also liaise with the par-  From these nine sites we conduct pa-
        2010 to July 2011, before the elections.   ties, the belligerents. There were other   trols, both on the ground and in the air.
        During and after the elections I was   functions as well, but essentially the fo-
        based in Abidjan. Upon completion of   cus was on the elections and managing   Q:   The situation seems to be very
        my one-year assignment I went back to   the post-election crisis. The focus was   quiet?
        my country where I commanded an in-  largely on the protection of civilians
        fantry division. Then, I was nominated                                   Since the establishment of the cease-
        by the Secretary-General as the force   In Laayoune we are not organizing elec-  fire in 1991, we have observed that it
        commander of MINURSO. I went to     tions; we are not focusing on the protec-  is being maintained. However, from
        New York for my briefing and from there   tion of civilians. In MINURSO our main   time to time, there are violations to the
        to Laayoune, the mission headquarters,   focus is to monitor the cease-fire esta-  agreements signed. When we observe a
        to take up my functions.            blished between the two ex-belligerents   violation, we carry out an investigation
                                                                                 and verify it. Then, an evaluation wor-
                                                                                 king group meets regularly and decides
                                                                                 whether to raise a violation or not. Once
                                                                                 the decision is taken to raise a violation,
                                                                                 we inform the parties concerned and
                                                                                 we urge them not to commit such viola-
                                                                                 tions. We also inform the Department of
                                                                                 Peacekeeping Operations in New York,
                                                                                 who take action through diplomatic

                                                                                 Q: What is it like being in the mili-
                                                                                 tary in this part of the world?

                                                                                 Essentially, you are working under UN
                                                                                 mandate, wearing a blue helmet and re-
                                                                                 presenting the United Nations and the
                                                                                 international community. That gives you
                                                                                 the legitimacy, the force and the moral
                                                                                 strength. You are on the ground monito-
                                                                                 ring the ceasefire; you are contributing
                                                                                 to peace. This gives you a sense of pride.

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