Page 17 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 17

the Department of Peacekeeping      Q: What is your role?                There is a team in Laayoune and
        Operations' contribution to this                                         another one in Tindiouf working
        programme. They accompany all       I'm the co-ordinator of this programme   very hard to facilitate these visits.
        the people travelling here and there.   between UNHCR, MINURSO and the   Although the CBM is not part of
        In the field we also provide medical   UN police. We have a memorandum   our mandate, the Security Council
        support through different flights.   of understanding with UNCHR         has been encouraging the parties to
        It is in the interest of everybody to   regarding this programme. As a legal   pursue this programme.
        maintain this programme as it is wi-  officer I'm also responsible for the
        thout any political interference.   legal aspects of these visits.       The programme needs a lot of
                                                                                 support, and at least now it's getting
                                                                                 that support from the international

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