Page 20 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 20

Interview with   Tuya Sanjaadagva

                     Military observer from Mongolia

         Tuya was about to complete her one-year assignment as a military
          observer when we met her in Laayoune. She was kind enough to grant
          us a short interview before she headed back home to Mongolia.

        Q: Being a military observer, what   all the tracks are sandy. For the last six
        does this imply?                    months I was based in another location,
                                            Smara, and there the tracks are very
        The work consists of observing the   rocky and bumpy. Every day we do a
        army, soldiers, their movement. We are   grand patrol consisting of two cars. The   patrol called "the night observation
        monitoring everything. We have diffe-  first car is the patrol leader with a navi-  posts", meaning that we stay one night
        rent types of patrols, in the air and on   gator, followed by a second car also with   in the desert and observe any move-
        the ground. Sometimes we do it by chop-  an officer and a navigator.     ments of soldiers, etc. Nowadays, it is
        per [helicopter] and take photographs of                                calm almost everywhere. There is no mi-
        equipment and soldiers, but mainly we   We have different types of patrols --  litary danger, but we have to be careful
        carry out patrols on the ground.    long and short distance. The short ones   about snakes and scorpions! I have seen
                                            consist of a maximum of 6o km. A one-  a lot of them in the desert and, at night,
        I have spent one year in the desert. My   day patrol is  500  km and lasts about   if you don't look around it can be very
        first assignment was in Assert, where   eight hours. We also have a three-day   dangerous.

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