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did not want to focus on generating   been in place for over fifty years - aid   We are developing a system where any
        further publicity for corporations.   creates dependency, whereas invest-  individual who would like to contri-
        Instead, we identified companies with   ment ensures independence, since   bute can sign up. We call it "Personal
        a genuine desire to help shape econo-  incentives are more aligned. We are   Social Responsibility" - by engaging
        mic and social development, which   committed to supporting the call of   everyone, not just governments and
        can use their business models to    Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon to    organizations, we stand a much better
        create sustainable growth.          invest in developing countries. His   chance of finding real solutions.
                                            remarks at IV LDC Summit sum it up
        For example, if a company has a     very well: "Investing in LDCs can pro-  Q: You are also the co-founder of
        factory in Africa, we are happy for   vide the stimulus that will help to pro-  the Pearl Initiative? How did you
        them to manufacture things locally   pel and sustain global economic reco-  get this idea and what would you
        as cheaply as possible. However, we   very and stability. This is not charity,   like to achieve?
        also want them to think about how   it is smart investment."
        the community is affected by the en-                                    The Pearl Initiative is another very
        vironment, education and health etc.;   The current financial crisis and bud-  exciting project. It was originally for-
        how the supply chain is handled; and   get tightening in developed countries   mulated during Dubai's financial cri-
        to consider long-term sustainability of   provides a rare opportunity for civil   sis to address the foundational issues
        the community, especially the young.   society, corporations, foundations,   of competitive markets, sustainable
        Ultimately, if people learn better, they   governments, and international or-  economic growth, and social develop-
        earn better and live better - leading to   ganizations to form new alliances and   ment. Badr Jafar, Executive Director
        the well-being of society as a whole.   partnerships to promote economic   of the Crescent Petroleum Group of
                                            growth and positive social change in   Companies, and I agreed that the best
        Q: Would you say that what you      developing countries.               way to tackle these challenges was to
        are doing is a kind of social en-                                       promote a culture of accountability,
        trepreneurship?                     The Global Partnerships Forum is    transparency, and responsibility in
                                            essentially an open society for indivi-  the Gulf Region. We wanted the pri-
        Actually, it goes beyond social entre-  duals and organizations. We encou-  vate sector to take the lead and as-
        preneurship. Social entrepreneurship   rage everyone to get involved and work   sume ownership for the initiative, so
        is about creating investment models   in partnership with others to address   Mr. Jafar suggested engaging CEOs
        that also look at the social rate of re-  the world's most pressing challenges,   in the Gulf Region. We discussed the
        turn. What we are saying is that we   as it is clear that the issues facing us   idea for the Pearl Initiative with com-
        must go beyond that to take an inte-  today, - from sustainable growth, to   panies across six countries, and were
        rest in the well-being of society - we   the fight against HIV/AIDS, to ensu-  immediately amazed by the response.
        would like the private sector to see the   ring access to clean drinking water, -   The Pearl Initiative received requests
        poor as a market, as a business oppor-  are far too complex for any one sector   for involvement from over 100 CEOs
        tunity. There are a growing number   to confront alone.                 and currently works with  22  Private
        of companies out there who believe                                      Sector Partners.
        in this concept. For instance, look at   We want to engage partners from
        Nestlé's Creating Shared Value, which   across sectors, so that together, they   The Pearl Initiative launched at the
        utilizes its business model to tackle   form global networks, and drive inno-  UN on 20 September 2010, and held
        challenges surrounding nutrition,   vative solutions. Since each sector   its Inaugural Board Meeting at the
        water and rural development. Like   and organization has its own com-   American University in Sharjah in the
        Nestlé, companies should integrate   parative advantage, it is integral to   United Arab Emirates on April 19th,
        corporate social responsibility into   partner with entities as diverse as the   2011. We look forward to continuing
        their core business, by involving the   International Chamber of Commerce,   to develop this initiative and positi-
        entire system - from investors and   a business-led umbrella organization,   vely impacting the business, econo-
        supply chains to employees, custo-  and Synergos, which manages         mic and social environments in the
        mers, stakeholders and communities.   development projects on the ground.   Gulf Region. (See the interview with
                                            Only by harnessing the expertise of   Badr Jafar.)
        Q:  What would you like to          business, the capital of philanthropy,
        achieve?                            the local knowledge of governments
                                            and the rigors of the marketplace, can   We wish Mr. Dossal all the best in
        Our goal is to create a global network   we develop and deliver innovative and   these endeavours, and hope that
        where companies share expertise, ex-  system-changing solutions.        there will be a lot of readers who will
        periences, and lessons learned across                                   be inspired by his and his partners'
        a central platform so that their models   Q: What should people do if they   actions to continue building a better
        and initiatives can be replicated to the   want to get in touch with you?   world for all.
        benefit of all the world's citizens.
                                            On our website we have a section that
        When foundations give grants they   tells you how you can participate -
        create dependency. We want them to   "How can I become an expert and join
        think about investment models and   the expert network?" We want people
        real sustainability. The aid agenda has   to contribute through that process.

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