Page 28 - DIVA_1_2012
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to spread the principles of preparing   that the International Association of   individuals as well as to bodies, such
        refuge zones among a larger number   Geneva Zones should extend its acti-  as associations, societies or even go-
        of countries. Many consultations were   vities to all issues concerning the pro-  vernments. The aims of ICDO were ex-
        held with the national civil defence   tection of the population and the en-  tended. While it continued to deal with
        institutions and organizations which   vironment, and specifically become an   refuge and safety zones, it was also as-
                                                                                            signed the responsibility
                                                                                            of establishing liaison
                                                                                            between national civil
                                                                                            defence organizations,
                                                                                            undertaking and promo-
                                                                                            ting studies and research
                                                                                            on population protection
                                                                                            matters, and facilitating
                                                                                            the exchange of expe-
                                                                                            rience and the coordina-
                                                                                            tion of efforts in the area
                                                                                            of disaster prevention.

                                                                                            On the basis of its new
                                                                                            statutes, in May 1958
                                                                                            ICDO organized the
                                                                                            Civil Defence Confe-
                                                                                            rence in Geneva. About
                                                                                            130  delegates from 33
                                                                                            countries attended the
                                                                                            conference, including
                                                                                            representatives of the
                                                                                            first three governments
                                                                                            that had decided to be-
                                                                                            come members: Egypt,
                                                                                            Iran and the Philippines.

        had been set up to face of the threat of   international organization specialized   From the beginning of the 1960s
        a new generalized armed conflict.   in civil defence matters.            ICDO considerably extended its
                                                                                 horizons from population protection
        In July 1956, the "Geneva Zones In-  In January 1958 the International   in wartime to the problem of natural
        formation Bulletin" changed its title   Association of Geneva Zones chan-  and man-made disasters in peacetime.
        to "Civil Defence". The main idea of   ged its name to the International
        this bulletin was: "The activity of the   Civil Defence Organization (ICDO)   In 1966, at the fourth International
        Geneva Zones Organization in the    and was given new statutes allowing   Conference was held in Monaco. The
        sphere of protection of children, mo-   membership of the Organization to   representatives of the Member States
        thers, the aged and invalids
        in case of war coincides with
        the development of natio-
        nal civil defence bodies in
        different countries. [ ... ] The
        Association continues to
        develop the idea of the eva-
        cuation of non-combatants
        to safety places, known as
        "Geneva Zones", and to
        work out development plans
        for these places and spreads
        the civil defence measures at
        international level, thus the
        Organization acts as a coor-
        dination centre between the
        different national civilian
        defence bodies."
        The Second Internatio-
        nal Civil Defence Confe-
        rence took place in 1957 in
        Florence. During this mee-
        ting the delegates demanded

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