Page 31 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 31

Q: You have written a book.         Q: From the level of the province,   Q: Please tell us about your work

                                            how do you see things further up?    as a spiritual leader.
        Although I live in Nepal, I have to look
        after the monastery founded by the late   At the federal level, as in Washington   I teach meditation a lot, and I have also
        XVI Karmarpa in an Indian State called   or New Delhi, there is also one central   written a handy meditation book for
        Sikkim. Since the passing away of the   parliament. Each province sends one   everybody called Path for Awakening.
        Karmapa and before his new reincar-  representative to the federal parliament
        nation has been found, I frequently had   which is for the whole country. Then   Q:  A Norwegian said almost  100
        to go there to look after his monastery   again at the provincial level, whatever   years ago that, if people stop-
        and his affairs. In each state in India,   decision is made in the parliament for   ped meditating, you will see an
        there is an elected chief minister. The   each district, the budget will be distri-  increase in all kinds of cancer.
        Chief Minister of Sikkim at that time be-  buted accordingly. Each mayor may use   Something that has proved to be
        came very corrupt, and one could even   it during his period in office. It is very   true. Do you think this is one of
        say that he became a dictator in his own   easy to control then, because the mayor   the reasons why people should
        state. Even though the parliament had   is under control. So from the bottom-up   meditate?
        thirty-two members, they all belonged   no election is needed, except the mayor.
        to his party, so he had no opposition.                                   In my understanding, curing cancer pa-
        Those who opposed him were put in pri-  Q: Do you think you will be able   tients is not eased when they are either
        son. I had some experience of dealing   to reduce corruption, because hu-  very lonely or mentally stressed, or both.
        with him. Later, he started to interfere   man beings in general         You may be very involved in society, but
        in the monastery's affairs because he                                    you may have a lot of stress. Or you may
        needed money.                        You cannot eradicate corruption, but   be very lonely and meditation can also
                                             with this system you can reduce it to a   help.
        Sikkim was a small kingdom incorpo-  level that is acceptable.
        rated into India in 1975. The people are                                 Meditation is usually used for improving
        very gentle and kind and up to recently   For example, each province's money   mental skills, to obtain peace of mind
        there has been no corruption there.   comes from the federal government and   and to control the negative thoughts in
        Then, this man introduced corruption   is being watched by sixty-four mayors,   your mind. The essence of mind is wis-
        through his cabinet; he did the people   who are not belonging to any political   dom, and it is true that meditation can
        of Sikkim a very great disservice. I was   party. These mayors will discuss how   lead to this.
        very surprised. I asked why and how   to use these funds within the district
        India, which is such a large democratic   depending upon the suggestions made   Real Buddhist meditation is not concer-
        country, can tolerate that by winning all   by each of the mayors. If I am one of   ned with religion. It is no part of
        the seats in parliament, you can indeed   the mayors, I will receive funds for my   worship. Meditation is only technical.
        become a "dictator". So this was one of   district, and I have to distribute these   Concentrating on breathing is the initial
        my inspirations. Later, I saw the same   funds in my area, etc. Once the report   step on how to train your mind to medi-
        kind of problems in other countries.   describing the work that I submit to my   tate, but that's just the beginning. Then
        Then I thought that the Common Law   parliament is adopted, I will receive the   you go from there to something deeper
        democracy of the United Kingdom has   budget, and then I have to use it for the   -- there are many steps of meditation.
        been one of the most influential in the   work stated in the report.     The small book I wrote about it is totally
        world. It has influenced the United                                      free of religion. I only give the steps for
        States, Canada and India, but such a                                     meditation.
        system is perhaps getting too old. This
        encouraged me to investigate more and                                    Q: You have also set up the Infinite
        more, and then finally I came to write                                   Compassionate Foundation?
        this book.
                                                                                 The starting point was to teach people
        Q: How do you see this new model                                         not to be brutal on animals, as can be
        of democracy?                                                            seen in China. When people are bru-
                                                                                 tal towards animals, it is important to
        In my book, it's shown that you can   Q: On one side, if I may put it this   teach them that animals too feel pain,
        form a complete democracy without    way, you are a political lama, and   that they have feelings. I write books on
        campaigning for the leaders, without   on the other side you are a spiri-  the subject. It's the same for chickens,
        political parties, just civil society. Since   tual leader.              cows, etc.
        I was in India at that time, I stayed in
        a small town, Kalimpong, with 60,000   I'm not really involved in politics and   My theory is the following. One cannot
        inhabitants. I started my writings there,   I'm not working for that. It is for this   turn the whole of the world's population
        and used Kalimpong as an example of a   reason that I say religious leaders should   into vegetarians, but you have to think
        district. If you have sixty-four districts,   not become involved in politics. Spiri-  that if you are buying meat the animal
        you have a state or province. Each dis-  tual leaders should not touch politics   in question should have had a good life
        trict has a mayor, and she/he is elected   and this is clearly stated in my book. I   first. Pig, chicken, cow, whatever you
        by the people. If each state is composed   wrote this book as a Buddhist philoso-  eat, you must give them a good life un-
        of sixty-four districts, the state is run   pher who is able to write on any subject   til a certain age. This is the reason why
        by its sixty-four mayors. They appoint   that is good for society. Here, I chose this   one should ban veal meat because the
        a secretary-general, just like the United   one. So I wrote this according to Budd-  animal is too young. If you must then
        Nations Secretary-General, and the se-  hist ethics. I wrote this book on how to   slaughter them, this should be done hu-
        cretary-general has to carry out the po-  form a good democratic governance free   manely and without pain. So this is the
        licies according to the decisions made by   of corruption, unfortunately involving   work of the foundation.
        the mayors in the parliament. India is a   each political party. In the system I pro-
        large country and it gives the opportu-  pose, you cannot easily play politics for
        nity to have more than 1,000 provinces.   personal reasons.
                                                                                             International __29]
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