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of ICDO, at its Constituent Assem-   The Charter conferred on ICDO a cer-  As can be seen, the idea of internatio-
        bly, adopted the text of the present   tain number of tasks aimed at promo-  nal civil defence has now been intro-
        Charter, which granted it the status of   ting on an international scale the ideas   duced into humanitarian law. Howe-
        an intergovernmental organization.   of protection and safety of persons   ver, this international humanitarian
        In fact, this Charter became an inter-  and property faced with all types of   law, which is reflected in Geneva
        national convention giving countries   disasters. It is worth mentioning that   Conventions, only applies in wartime.
        the right to become members of the   the General Assembly of the United   Efforts remain to facilitate and, if ne-
        organization by sending documents    Nations, in its resolution 2034 adop-   cessary, legalize humanitarian opera-
                                                                                 tions in peacetime -- specifically as-
                                                                                 sistance in international disasters.

                                                                                 ICDO which, by decision of its Mem-
                                                                                 ber States, has become a specialized
                                                                                 organization in the protection of the
                                                                                 population and its property from all
                                                                                 disasters, has mainly concentrated its
                                                                                 work on intervention and internatio-
                                                                                 nal assistance in peacetime and the
                                                                                 consolidation of international coope-
                                                                                 ration in this field. ICDO has prepared
                                                                                 the "Framework Convention on Civil
                                                                                 Defence Assistance", which was adop-
                                                                                 ted during the International Confe-
                                                                                 rence held in Geneva on 22 May 2000.
                                                                                 Today, ICDO is a well-known, profes-
                                                                                 sional and steadily developing organi-
                                                                                 zation. It has fifty-one member states,
                                                                                 sixteen observers and seventeen af-
                                                                                 filiated structures (companies pro-
                                                                                 ducing rescue systems and equip-
                                                                                 ment, universities, and also research
                                                                                 centres). Since 2007 ICDO has carried
                                                                                 out more than twenty international
                                                                                 humanitarian projects assisting popu-
                                                                                 lations suffering from various natural
                                                                                 and man-made disasters.

                                                                                 The present ICDO Secretary-General,
                                                                                 N. Al-Sleibi, said: "Our Organization
                                                                                 is open for all states without any po-
                                                                                 litical views, religious and race. [ ... ]
                                                                                 ICDO has the ambitious target - to
                                                                                 create an International Defence Sys-
        adopting the Charter to the depositary   ted in 1965, called upon "governments   tem for the protection of populations
        of the organization.                 to establish appropriate planning and   suffering from various natural and
                                             executive bodies, best suited to their   manmade disasters worldwide."
        The next main objective of ICDO defi-  particular circumstances, with a view
         ned in its Charter is: "to intensify and   to defining the scope and nature of the   Summarizing the progress of ICDO
        coordinate on a world-wide scale the   necessary assistance and centralizing   over the eighty-one years of its exis-
        development and improvement of or-   the management of relief operations."   tence, it can be stated that the idea of
        ganizations, means and techniques for                                    population protection in wartime has
         preventing and reducing the conse-  Furthermore, ICDO took part in the   now been extended to that of protec-
         quences of natural disasters in peace-  preparation of the Additional Proto-  tion and safety of the population in
        time or the use of weapons in time of   cols to the Geneva Conventions by   general. It became possible thanks to
        conflict". The Charter came into force   participating in meetings of experts   increased coordination and planning,
        on 1 March 1972 at the first General   which led to the final drafting of these   of the methods, means and technology
        Assembly of Member States. Thereaf-  Protocols in 1977. The role of the ICDO   at the international level to prevent,
         ter, the Charter of ICDO was registered   and its Member States had been deci-  overcome and mitigate the conse-
        in 1975 at the United Nations in New   sive in defining civil defence within   quences of natural and man-made di-
        York in accordance with Article 102 of   the new concept of humanitarian law.   sasters in peace or during warfare.
        the Charter and published in the Uni-  In addition, a specific article (Protocol
        ted Nations Treaty Series. Finally, an   I, Chapter VI, and Article 64) extends           Alexey Kuvshinov
        agreement between the Swiss Federal   the protection granted by the bellige-                  ICDO intern
        Government and ICDO was signed       rents to national civil defence organi-
        on 10 March 1976 giving legal status   zations, as well as to "relevant interna-
        to the Organization in Switzerland.   tional organizations".

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