Page 30 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 30
Interview with Shamarpa Rinpoche
The 14th reincarnation of the Red-Hat Lama
Q: What does it mean to be the Red- Q: How does it feel to be recognized
It's not every day that you meet Hat Lama? at the fourteenth reincarnation of
a Lama, not to mention the Red- the Shamarpa?
Hat Lama. Shamarpa Rinpoche Formerly in Tibet, there were two famous
was only 31 2 years old when he Lamas who were the first so-called "rein- The Karmapa Lama has to recognize the
was recognized as being the four- carnations". They were known as Karma- Shamarpa Lama, and when the Karmapa
teenth reincarnation of one of the pa and Shamarpa, both alternatively the Lama passes away, his reincarnation has
more prominent and unusual hie- head of the Karma-Kagyu lineage. They to be recognized by the Shamarpa Lama.
rarch in the Himalayan history. had a great influence in the way Tibet was That was the rule. So I was recognized by
governed from the fourteenth century the Karmapa Lama.
Although born in Kham province up to 1652 when the dynasty of the Dalal
(Eastern Tibet), Shamarpa Rinpoche Lamas was established by the Mongols. I was only 3/2 years old and visiting the
centre of Tibet when a nomadic group of
represents less a "Tibetan" lama
Q: Why the two colours - red and lay people came by. They were travelling
than a modern spiritual teacher.
black? with mules and yaks. I was being carried
Very much akin to the western
by my Mama, and I said that these people
way of life, his life is dedicated to
The Red-Hat has to do with the sunset co- were my monks, even though they were
developing pragmatic ways to im-
lor, symbolizing the direction of the pure not in monk's robes at all. Indeed, they
prove the global understanding Land of the Buddha of Infinite Light, called came from the Shamarpa's Monastery.
of the main Buddhist truth such as "Amitabha". The Black Hat is supposed to This was the reason why I was targeted as
appreciating the precious human have been made mystically out the hair of the possible reincarnation of the Red-Hat
life which is for sure not given for Dakinies or celestial goddesses but was vi- Lama -- I recognized these monks. While
ever, thinking about our own res- sible only for people who developed a very travelling across Tibet, they had changed
ponsibilities in the chain of cause pure mind. One day, the Yongle Emperor, their robes to lay clothes as the custom
and effect we all create every day, who was the prince of Yan and the third permitted it. They then approached the
knowing how to tame our mind emperor of the Ming dynasty, saw it above Black-Hat Lama and said that this child
through meditation, especially the head of his teacher, the Fifth Karma- must be the reincarnation of our Lama.
when it develops thoughts and pa, and decided to craft it as a crown to be Then a few more tests involving my me-
actions causing more suffering. offered to him as homage. In those times mory were made successfully.
there was no opposition to China.
Q: What is it like to be a Lama?
Shamarpa is concerned about the
Q: You are the fourteenth reincar-
well-being of all sentient beings
nation of the Red-Hat Lama. Well, it is quite difficult, because it was
including animals and has created
not my choice -- the people appointed
the "Infinite Compassion Founda-
I am holding the position of the fourteenth me. When you grow up, you acquire a lot
tion" for the sake of their protec- Shamarpa. The Shamarpas' main seat was of responsibilities, many of which you
tion. Based on his philosophical in Yangpachen, in the North of Lhassa, may not like. If you do not carry out these
knowledge and his own experience until the tenth Shamarpa had to move to responsibilities well, people do not realize
around the world, he has recently Nepal in 1792 and established his institu- that you have been forced into this posi-
published a book of reflections on tion there. It was mainly due to some poli- tion and it should be therefore understan-
new models of democracy. We had tical pressure from one regent of the Dalal dable if you avoid some of them. No, they
the chance of meeting him during Lama administration. So I am following in do not say that; they say you are guilty
his short visit to Geneva, and to that line, my institution belongs more to of irresponsibility. Everybody will blame
find out more about himself and Nepal and therefore I am more spiritual- you, the Lama, if you do not perpetuate
his views. So now we leave the floor ly independent. However, I do still have the same system. So that's the reason why
to him. connections with Tibet, but it is not in the I do not like the old system so much.
same administration as the Dalai Lama.
28 International