Page 23 - DIVA_1_2012
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not have a mechanism to accept funds   tand, and then address their needs.   ment of Ted Turner's partnership,
         from non-governmental sources, be-  Partnerships are purely about rela-  UNICEF stated: "We are prioritizing
         sides there was no arrangement for   tionships. You cannot have a success-  health." UNDP in turn said: "We
         subrogation of sovereign debt. "This   ful partnership if there is no give and   are focused on improving children's
         is an issue between the United States   take. It is always important to have an   health by building hospitals." WHO
         government and the United Nations."   understanding of the other partner's   stated: "We reflect the overall policy
         To which Mr. Turner replied: "I am   wants and expectations. You have to   agenda for children's health issues."
         committed to supporting the UN's    be mindful of their corporate and lo-  As they could not be funded indepen-
         work, and I want to contribute."    cal cultures. Often we encounter the   dently, we put together a coalition of
                                             attitude, "Oh! We know the solution!"   partners, which included interna-
         This was a remarkable moment for    But actually, we do not know the so-  tional as well as local NGOs, so as to
         the UN, as Ted Turner's pledge of US$   lution. We cannot simply take a "top-  empower people at the grassroots level.
         1 billion, led to the creation of the   down" approach. The solutions have   The aim was to develop high-quality
         United Nations Foundation, as well   to come from the bottom-up, from the   programmes, which could then be
         as its interface and counterpart, the   stakeholders on the ground; the real   replicated by others internationally.
         UN Office for Partnerships (originally   stakeholders are the underprivileged.
         as the UN Fund for International    They know what they want and what   We were able to achieve very good re-
         Partnerships). Today, the UN Foun-  they need; the issue is that the under-  sults through this collective engage-
         dation and the Office for Partnerships   privileged just do not have the tools   ment. One particular success story is
         continue to successfully build and   yet to achieve these wants and most   the Mother-To-Child Transmission of
         implement public-private partner-   basic needs.                        Diseases Programme, in which UNDP,
         ships to address the world's most                                       UNICEF and WHO all participated.
         pressing problems.                  Therefore, we reached out to local   Each partner brought something diffe-
                                             communities through the UN sys-     rent to the table. We had the expertise
         In return, Ted Turner had no agenda,   tem and organizations such as WFP,   at a policy level from WHO; UNFPA
         he simply said: "This is money to help   UNFPA and WHO, and by engaging   provided in-depth research and field
         support the UN's work." So we were   at a grassroots level, and speaking   expertise; UNDP supplied our on-the-
         able to establish an expert group within   with the people most in need, we were   ground connections with NGOs; and
         the UN, and seek its advice on the key   then able to come up with innovative   UNICEF of course oversaw our agen-
         priorities: health, women and popula-  solutions. We need to continue to rely   da for children's health. This is just
         tion issues, biodiversity, not forgetting   heavily on innovation....   one example, but many such compre-
         peace, security, and human rights.                                      hensive programmes were developed,
                                             Q: Some people have had a nega-     achieving tangible results through col-
         Crucially, with the help of Ted     tive impression about efficiency.   laborative efforts, and pooled exper-
         Turner and Tim Wirth, President of   They say that the UN has too       tise and resources.
         the UN Foundation, and his dynamic   much power. What do you think
         team, we engaged new partners from   about this?                        We alone cannot take credit for this
         the private sector and civil society to                                 because in effect, we acted to provide
         find the best solutions for addressing   The UN has a board of 192 countries,   the various partners with the platform
         global challenges. As a result of Ted's   and like any public sector institution,   they required, so that they could
         commitment many business leaders,   it has to ensure accountability and   subsequently engage in a multi-
         foundations, and companies came     provide transparency. This requires   stakeholder dialogue. We also
         to us saying: "If the UN works with   checks and balances and following   encouraged partnerships with the
         Mr. Turner, can you also work with us?"   of rules and procedures. Sometimes   private sector to benefit from their
                                             these can be cumbersome, however    leadership, distribution networks and
         Q: It is one of the success stories   the bottom line is that the system is   logistical expertise.
         of the United Nations.              designed to be accountable.
                                                                                 Q.  Could you tell us something
         Indeed! There is now a growing band   By combining the normative functions   about the Platform and the
         of people who believe that you cannot   of the public sector with the business   Global Partnerships Forum?
         do anything without partnerships.   skills and logistics expertise of the pri-
                                             vate sector, you increase the chances   It became clear during my last
         Q: We hear a lot about public/      of sustainable results.             ten years, working in the area of
         private partnerships and, given                                         partnerships at the United Nations,
         your extensive experience, what     What we did was encourage the       that there is an enormous amount of
         are in your opinion the key ele-    culture of -- if you like -- collective   interest in working together to create
         ments in this partnership?          engagement. That sometimes meant    long-term sustainability. At the same
                                             extra consultations and discussions,   time, companies often talk about "cor-
         We must ensure that we know what    but it also meant that we were able to   porate social responsibility." They
         we are working to achieve, and      benefit from a broad range of ideas,   sometimes use this approach as an
         moreover, that we know what people   with no single entity as the sole de-  instrument of PR, and perhaps as ano-
         want. We need people to tell us about   cision-maker. You would have two   ther way to promote their company in
         their requirements and the chal-    or three key UN organizations that   the eyes of the public. While the in-
         lenges with which they are confron-  collectively came up with a solution.   tentions of this initiative are rooted
         ted, so that we can first unders-   For example, during the establish-   in the right direction, we of course

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