Page 19 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 19

these conditions. Why do we need
        international staff? We do have na-
        tional staff working for us; however,
        as a result of the economic situation
        in which these peacekeeping mis-
        sions take place, we usually find that
        qualified people have already fled.
        I may quote my recent experience
        in Sierra Leone and Afghanistan
        -- it was extremely difficult to find
        high-level staff simply as a result of
        conflict or war. Those who had suf-
        ficient education and higher level
        jobs, such as in communications
        and IT, have already left the country
        and are not prepared to come back.

        I can give you an example of a re-
        cruitment exercise that we carried
        out about a year ago. We asked one   and now also in Valencia -- those   right on the leading edge of proven
        candidate how we could extend our    hubs are the main collection points   technology with virtualized servers
        network to a team-site, bearing in   for the communications of the       that have more efficient data-
        mind that it was in a very remote,   missions to the outside world for   storage capacity. We are moving to
        harsh desert location, with sparse   telephony and data.                 virtual desk interface -- VDI.
        local population and no infrastruc-
        ture. The answers surprised us be-   Q: It seems to be highly specia-    Q:   What about Internet
        cause this person already had job    lized as well?                      security?
        experience with the UN and under-
        stood the nature of the work, but    It is becoming extremely specified   We run an enclosed network. We
        the answers he gave were simply      and to walk into either of these data   have our own security experts co-
        amazing. "Simply go out and plug     centres or satellite hubs, either in   ming from New York on an annual
        into an Internet connection from     Brindisi or in Valencia, you will be   basis. It has been shown that if there
        the street." When we said there is   amazed at the level of technology   is going to be a security issue with
        no street, no service provider, how   that the UN has purchased to reach   data, the leakage is most probably
        are you going to bring a wide-area   this level. You have to remember    going to take place on somebody's
        network basically here to Laayoune   that today people automatically     desk where a random paper memo
        500km away? How will you do that?    expect to be able to send an e-mail   has been left for all to see. A visitor
        He answered: "By building a fibre    message. People do expect to be able   or a cleaner may intercept that in-
        network..."                          to get on to the Internet to look at   formation.
                                             the news for example, or to do some
        Q: So finally what do you use?       Internet banking. We supply that    We have firewalls, security of the
                                             kind of service to our staff working   computers -- we know when you
        We use satellite communications.     out in the field, so that the military   have logged in, used your password
        That is the reason why the peace-    observers arriving at the team sites   (we enforce password changing)
        keeping missions have to rely        are still able to communicate with   In this way, we do try to maintain a
        so heavily on satellite networks.    their families and friends, and carry   high level of security within the sys-
        That's the reason why we have this   on with their private business.     tem. We have virus protections. The
        satellite infrastructure (the Com-                                       worst thing that can happen is that
        munications and Information Tech-    Q: When you see the buildings       you use an infected USB key. Such
        nology Service (CITS) as we call it).   here you do not expect to find   devices have crippled IT systems
                                             such a high level of technology.    throughout the world. For this rea-
        Q: It must be quite expensive?                                           son, many organizations do not al-
                                             We are suffering a little at the mo-  low the use of USB keys. You should
        It is quite expensive. We lease what   ment because of the slow-down of   buy a bigger device -- an external
        we call transpondent space on satel-  investments caused by the budge-   hard disk and keep it in a safe place
        lites to build a centralized hub. You   tary situation. We are running re-  if you want to back-up files. That is
        may have heard about the United      latively old versions of Windows for   what we recommend to our people.
        Nations Logistics Base in Brindisi,   instance. We are nevertheless still

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