Page 21 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 21
Q: I have heard that there are lots not seen for a year. I call them every day have been stuck in soft sand and at times
of mines in the area? on the phone. it was very hot, approximately 50 degrees
centigrade. My skin was burned by the
There used to be a lot of mines but today Q: What have you learned from sun, but I learned a lot on how to react,
a little less, as much demining has taken this experience? how to free a stuck car, etc. Sometimes
place. However, we always stay on the it's difficult and hard, but we are mili-
track and never leave it, because the risk I have learned a lot of things. It's a good tary personnel so we have to endure it,
is always there. opportunity, and it's the first time that
we can serve as a member of one big fa- Q: Do you recommend other wo-
Q: What is it like to be a woman in mily during a whole year. I have made men to take part in this kind of ex-
this "male-dominated" environ- a lot of good friends and I can tolerate perience?
ment? much hardship and rough conditions --
the heat, etc. During the patrols our cars Yes, of course.
I think it's good. This is my first mission,
and I have gained a lot of experience
from other military observers. We per-
form the same job as the men; we work
together and perform the same duties
under the same conditions.
Q: What did you do before you
came here?
I am a senior officer in the Mongolian in-
fantry. I have been serving in the Mon-
golian army for seventeen years and now
I'll go back to the same job. I'm very hap-
py to go home to my family who I have
International 19