Page 22 - DIVA_1_2012
P. 22

Interview with

           Amir ]:)ossal

                                          Founder of the

                Global Partnerships Forum and
               co-initiator of the Pearl Initiative

           Amir Dossal, a well-known figure in the international commu-
           nity, and former Executive Director of the United Nations Office
           for Partnerships, worked for many years at the UN on the deve-
           lopment of strategic alliances with corporations, foundations
           and philanthropists in the perspective of the Millennium De-
           velopment Goals. He really has been the right man in the right
           place, because there are not many people who have a public
           relations gift like him  ---  he simply seems to know everybody!

           After "graduating" from the United Nations in 2010, and being a
           man who likes to keep himself busy, Amir founded the Global Par-
           tnerships Forum and co-founded the Pearl Initiative.

        Q:  You have had a long inter-      to set up a new office to handle     to streamline their operations.
        national career in the UN.          reforms within the United Nations -   Working together, we were able to
        Looking back, what has given        the Management Policy Office. It just so   simplify processes, reduce bureau-
        you most satisfaction?              happened that we had been introducing   cracy, and then reinvest the resul-
                                            a lot of innovation within the mana-  tant savings in development activities
        The most gratifying period was when   gement of peacekeeping operations.   - this was the genesis of the
        I was with the UN Department of     We were leading an effort to streamline   Development Accounts, as the funds we
        Peacekeeping Operations, when glo-  how peacekeeping, financial mana-    generated from this effort were in
        bal events meant that we had to ope-  gement and logistics could focus   turn channeled to support projects
        rate around the clock "24/7". Our   on delivering results in an efficient   in developing countries. While there
        purpose was to support the UN's     manner. We had a lot of help from   was some apprehension initially, most
        peacekeeping force in its operations   Member States, who were ready to   departments came up with new ideas
        around the world, and respond in-   provide the expertise, so we set up a   to improve efficiency and process,
        stantlyto their critical needs. This goes   working group. The UN Secretary-  including through the use of new
        back to 1993, a tumultuous moment   General at that time, Kofi Annan,    technology, and other innovative
        in history as the world witnessed   asked: "You are doing all this, and   approaches.
        the crisis in Somalia, the Bosnia-  now that I am the Secretary General
        Herzegovina conflict, the elections   I really need support to make the UN   Quite an extraordinary thing hap-
        in South Africa, and the escalating   Secretariat responsive to 21st century   pened during my tenure at the
        conflict in Rwanda-Burundi. At that   needs." Joe Connor, who was then   Management Policy Office when Ted
        time, what we needed was to ensure   Under-Secretary General for Mana-   Turner approached Kofi Annan in
        that the peacekeepers had all the sup-  gement, asked if I could help set up   September 1997, with a US$ 1 billion
        port they required, and without delay.   the Office. It was indeed a question   personal donation. Ted said: "Kofi,
        It was an incredibly satisfying period   of being at the right place at the right   I have looked at my balance sheet. In
        in the sense that we saw the instanta-  time, although looking back; it was   January 1997 I was worth US$  3   billion
        neous, tangible results of our work.   quite a challenging task.         and now in September I am worth
                                                                                 US$  4   billion. The additional US$
        Q: You have gone from Peace-        Q: It seems you did a very good     1 billion does not make a big difference
        keeping to Public/Private Par-      job and that you liked what you      to me. I have also noticed that my
        tnerships. How did that happen?     were doing?                          government has not paid its dues to the
                                                                                 UN, so I would like to personally give
        I happened to be, as they say, at the   While nobody wanted reforms, be-  US$  1 billion to the UN." Kofi Annan
        right place at the right time. After five   cause that would mean cutting their   was delighted by the generous offer,
        years in peacekeeping, I was asked   budgets, we encouraged departments   pointing out however that the UN did

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