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                     “We  welcome  our  students  to  our  beautiful  green  campus,
                     where they have the space to think, learn and thrive in a vibrant
                     community.  La  Châtaigneraie  Primary  School,  like  the  other
                     Ecolint schools, is bilingual,”
                     Hazel Allen
                     Primary School Principal
                     La Châtaigneraie

                                   Ecolint Teachers - dedicated pedagogues going   En  outre,  L’Ecolint  propose  une  vaste  gamme
                                   the extra mile                         d'activités extrascolaires, comprenant une école
                                   Passion,  dedication,  dynamism,  creativity...   de musique, une école des arts de la scène, un
                                   These  qualities,  among  many  others,  describe   Centre STEM en collaboration avec l'EPFL, ainsi
                                   the  commitment  of  the  school’s  teaching   qu'un Centre des arts ouvert au public et offrant
                                   staff.  Coming  from  diverse  backgrounds  in   une  programmation  artistique  variée  tout  au
                                   international  education,  staff  members  from   long de l'année.
                                   the  four  corners  of  the  globe  inspire  students
                                   to   cultivate   open-mindedness,   curiosity,
                                   critical  thinking  and  acceptance  of  diversity.

                                   Pregny  -  new  beginnings  for  an  historical
                                   Early Years site
                                    As part the school’s ongoing collaboration with
                                   the United Nations, Ecolint will be welcoming
                                   the Pregny site back to its Campus des Nations
                                   for the foreseeable future.The school’s Early Year
                                   Pregny site is located near the United Nations,
                                   Red Cross HQ, the World Health Organization
                                   and the International Labour Organization, and
                                   will welcome up to 200 students.

                                   Learning Support
                                   Ecolint  is  committed  to  supporting  all  its
                                   students,  whatever  their  academic  level,  and
                                   offers support for students with mild to severe
                                   learning difficulties.
                                                                             Grâce  à  une  approche  holistique
                                   Competitive fee structure
                                    This year, Ecolint unveiled its new advantageous   de  l’enfant,  le  programme  sportif
                                   tuition structure, aimed at offering exceptional   extrascolaire de l’Ecolint permet à tous
                                   educational  opportunities  to  a  wider  range  of   les élèves, quel que soit leur niveau, de
                                   students,  with  reduced  fees  in  Pre-Reception   développer leur condition physique tout
                                   (3  years)  and  Reception  (4  years)  as  well  as   en  acquérant  des  valeurs  et  attitudes
                                   discounts for all families with several children.   indispensables à leur épanouissement.
                                   Ecolint  has  not  increased  school  fees  over  the
                                   past years despite inflation.

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