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P. 33

the restored Celestial Sphere

                                         – let’s all together keep the hope !

                   The Sphere – we need to preserve it as the “Spirit of Geneva International”
                                                                                (but it could not have happened…)
                   (Story) by Evelina Rioukhina

                   We are all familiar with the sight of the beautiful
                   Celestial Sphere on the grounds of the Palais in   We are overjoyed that our efforts were not in vain,
                   Geneva.  For  over  two  decades  I  had  the  good   and that the previous and the current Directors-
                   fortune to be directly involved in all the Sphere   General made the miracle happen. A solution was
                   restoration  projects,  along  with  two  former   found and today the Sphere is restored, not only
                   Directors-General (1993-2012). I was also involved   as a symbol of peace and Geneva International
                   with the magazine UN Special that contributed   but also as a witness of events at the Palais des
                   greatly to the awareness-raising campaign for its   Nations. These started with the League of Nations
                   restoration; I am especially grateful here to former   and go on to the renovation of the Palais today. The
                   Chief  Editor  Christian  David  and  earlier  editor   story of the Sphere makes us reflect deeper on its
                   Jean-Michel  Jakobowicz  for  their  support  and   significance, and its meaning is a vivid reminder
                   personal involvement. Together we elaborated a   that despite all cultural and religious differences
                   plan and attracted millions of readers.   we are inhabitants of the same planet. The Sphere
                                                          is more than Pax Universalis and a monument of
                   We also strongly urged the repair of the rotation   the “spirit of Geneva”, it is the embodiment of our
                   mechanism, which was broken in 1960s. There is   high ideals and spiritual goal.
                   a general belief that the Sphere stopped rotating at
                   the outbreak of the WWII, as it symbolized peace,   That is why on the eve of the most important
                   but this not exactly the case. This article will reveal   event – the inauguration of the renovated sphere,
                   the unknown history of this important monument,   I decided to visit it while it was alone and “speak”
                   a  recognized  landmark  of  Geneva  International.   with it in my imagination, hoping to reveal some
                   It  also  has  a  heritage  as  a  guardian  of  universal   unknown facts to better understand the past so
                   peace: its constellations mean PAX Universalis. We   we can successfully move into the future. Below
                   raised awareness of the importance of the rotation   is my imagined conversation:
                   mechanism for keeping world peace and addressed   ER  (to  the  Sphere):  Tell  us  how  the  idea  of
                   the watchmaking industry for a solution, so we now   having a Sphere happened.
                   have a perpetually moving, illuminated monument   The Sphere:  Actually, as with many big things,
                   accessible to all Genevans.            it happened randomly. There were many ideas

                   w w  w . d i  v a  i n  t  e  r  n  a t  i o  n  a l  .  c  h
                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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