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                                   3.  community  commitment  –  the  artist   heritage  persist  despite  challenges.  Overall,
                                   should actively engage with local communities   Mesopotamian  heritage  remains  a  significant
                                   to  understand  and  promote  their  needs  and   part  of  our  cultural  landscape,  inspiring
                                   aspirations;                           storytelling and shaping national identity.
                                   4.  promotion  of  diversity  and  inclusion  –
                                   embracing  Iraq’s  diverse  cultural  heritage  and   The cultural legacy of Mesopotamia is a source
                                   promoting inclusiveness is essential for building   of inspiration and pride for many Iraqis, myself
                                   a cohesive and resilient society.      included.  Its  enduring  influence  enriches  our
                                                                          understanding  of  the  past  while  guiding  us
                                   Ancient  Mesopotamia,  and  before  that  the   towards  a  future  that  honours  the  remarkable
                                   Kingdom  of  Ur,  are  only  small  parts  of  your   achievements of our ancestors.
                                   country’s rich cultural past. To what extent has
                                   this cultural heritage influenced your work? And   I cannot get over the idea of my belonging, which
                                   could you tell us a bit about what presence and   is closely linked to my roots in Mesopotamia. My
                                   influence  this  heritage  still  has  in  the  country   structural and intellectual formation is inevitably
                                   overall?                               inspired  by  all  that  historical  splendour,  so  I
                                   The  legacy  of  ancient  Mesopotamia,  often   always  try  to  reflect  that  belonging  through
                                   referred  to  as  the  cradle  of  civilization,  is  vast   image-making  in  the  artistic  work  I  complete,
                                   and  profound.  Its  contributions  to  human   and I make sure that the images are expressive
                                   history  include  the  invention  of  writing,  the   and ideal because they represent my civilization,
                                   development of complex societies, advancements   my society, and my country. Even if I live away
                                   in  agriculture,  and  the  establishment  of  legal   from it physically, it lives within me, in my soul,
                                   and administrative systems. These foundational   and in my mind.
                                   elements  have  left  an  indelible  mark  on
                                   subsequent civilizations and continue to shape   Today, there seems to be a resurgence of creativity
                                   our world today.                       among artists in many parts of the world. Is this
                                                                          the  case  from  your  perspective,  and,  if  so,  are
                                   As  a  film  maker,  I  am  deeply  influenced  by   there projects you are planning to take part in?
                                   the  cultural  heritage  of  ancient  Mesopotamia,   I directed and produced a documentary about
                                   drawing  on  its  rich  history,  mythology,  and   conflicts  and  wars  in  history,  which  I  called
                                   symbolism  to  craft  narratives  and  visuals.  In   Foolish  Decisions.  The  story  is  about  the  most
                                   my  films,  I  aim  to  evoke  the  timeless  essence   stupid decisions made by leaders in the world
                                   of  Mesopotamian  civilization.  In  countries   that caused genocide and wars, and that is why I
                                   like  Iraq, efforts to  preserve  and  celebrate  this   called it Foolish Decisions. Today, yes, I see that

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