Page 167 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 167
Bringing the Concept to Life
As the Secretary-General stated in his Supplement to an Agenda for Peace,
“There is no reason for frustration or pessimism- More progress has been
made in the past few years towards using the United Nations as it was
designed to be used than many could ever have predicted.”
I hope that all of you will share the sentiments of Ms. Yulia Shapiro,
an Executive Director of the Harvard World Model UN, who stated in her
letter to me last December, that as a World Model UN “veteran” she found
the “sense of community and understanding that pervades” these
conferences to be unique and “one of tire most rewarding experiences” in her
academic career. I wish you all a most productive and satisfying conference
and would be very interested to learn of the conclusions you reach in your
various sessions on issues of great complexity and importance.
As they say here in Geneva, “Bon Courage!”