Page 96 - 100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International_V-Petrovsky_private special edition
P. 96
100 Reflections that Crafted Geneva International
4 March 1994
R ussia proposes to create a Diplomatic Services Bureau under the
UN European Office at Geneva. The purpose of the initiative is
to enh given
that the current mechanisms do not always work because they are too
cumbersome and not flexible enough. The Bureau should embark upon
developing recommendations to Governments and delegations across the
entire spectrum of the art of diplomacy, from conflict prevention to sanctions
and dispute settlement, preparation of speeches and drafting of agreements,
and application of confidence-building measures.
"We are pleased with the Russian initiative”, said in his interview to the
ITAR-TASS correspondent the Under-Secretary-General of the United Na-
tions and Director-General of the UN European Office at Geneva,
Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, who earlier this week held here consultations with
the Russian Federation Deputy Foreign Minister. "We discussed issues
related to strengthening the European headquarters as the second center of
UN global activities after New York. I am pleased to note that Russia sup-
ports all the efforts of the leadership of the United Nations Secretariat aimed at
establishing a political dimension in Geneva, in addition to socio-economic
and humanitarian which are the traditional areas of the Organization's activities."
The Diplomatic Services Bureau is conceived as lean in its composition. It
is assumed that it should be staffed by qualified, experienced specialists. One of
the key principles is impartiality, preservation of the secrecy of the services
provided, and good faith. It was suggested that the Bureau should first include
representatives of Russia, the European Union, Switzerland, and the United
States. As for the UN European Office, it is assumed that it could help with
office space and office equipment.
"Negotiations are currently underway in Geneva on the former Yugoslavia
and the Georgian-Abkhaz settlement," said the Mr. Petrovsky. "We are open to
having other negotiation processes conducted here, as well. We are in favour of