Page 41 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
P. 41

•   Two  chamber  parliament  with                The drafting of the Federal Constitution
               "Nationalrat" [national council = house of        was  a  tour  de  force.  In  just  51  days,  a
               representatives, initially one member per         commission  made  up  of  cantonal
               20,000  inhabitants  (1848:  111  seats,          representatives     formulated     a   text,
               1850:  120  seats),  later  the  number  of       setting  out  the  most  important  points.
               members  was  fixed  on  200]  and                After    the    conflicts   between     the
               "Ständerat"  [council  of  states  =  senate,     conservative  Sonderbund  cantons  and
               two  members  per  canton].  While  big           the  parts  of  Switzerland  under  liberal
               cantons  dominate  "Nationalrat",  the            government,  the  loose  confederation
               smaller cantons may block legislation in          was to become a state entity: a federal
               "Ständerat"                                       state with a common foreign policy, free
                                                                 of  internal  customs  duties  and  with  a
               •   Federal government "Bundesrat", 7             common  currency,  postal  service  and
               members  with  equal  rights,  elected  by        units  of  measurement.  The  complete
               the  parliament.  While  every  member  is        text  was  approved  during  summer  of
               responsible  to  lead  a  part  of  the           1848.
               administration,  important  decisions  will
               be taken by majority. The presidency is
               rotating yearly and gives opportunities to
               hold  speeches  rather  than  special
               powers.  [Note:  the  German  word
               "Bundesrat"  is  also  used  to  denote  the
               German  and  Austrian  equivalent  of  the
               senate,  therefore  some  dictionaries  will
               translate  Bundesrat  =  Upper  House  of

               •   A  federal  court  of  justice  should
               settle  disputes  between  the  cantons
               (today  the  cantons  always  solve  their
               problems in negotiations, but individuals
               and  companies  appeal  to  the  federal
               court,  if  they  are  not  willing  to  accept
               judgement  of  cantonal  courts  -  so  it's
               judgements       help    to    unify    the
               interpretation  of  laws  by  cantonal

               •   Alliances    with    foreign   powers,
               decisions  on  war  and  peace,  customs,
               postal  services  and  coinage  became
               federal responsibilities. Local toll station
               on  some  400  roads  and  bridges  within
               Switzerland  were  closed  in  1849,  the
               Swiss  Franc  was  reestablished  as
               common currency in 1850.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                39

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