Page 43 - Bulletin_Vol.82 No.3_December 2023
P. 43

And if you would like to see the first text       be  seen  in  the  museum  permanently.
               of the Constitution, it is presented in the       Another, smaller but not less interesting
               National          Museum             Zurich       Museum  -  Forum  de  l'histoire  Suisse,
               Landesmuseum. A big exhibition on the             which is considered to be is the cultural
               175   anniversary  of  the  Constitution          seat  of  the  Swiss  National  Museum  in
               entitled  “Happy  You  Have  Rights  Day”         central  Switzerland,  is  in  Schwyz,  next
               was organized there in Spring-Summer,             to the Charter Museum. Do not miss !
               and the first copy of the Constitution can

                                READER’S ANSWER ON CLIMATE

               Dear Mme Foudral,

               Got the new bulletin with your fearful remarks about the terrible climate they say it would
               I've  been  working  on  this  subject  all  my  life  and  I  know  absolutely  sure,  that  this
               wonderful  molecule  of  life,  that  gives  us  plants  to  eat  and  oxygen  to  breath,  carbon
               dioxide, cannot be a GHG, never. All natural substances have each only one natural
               task. Carbon dioxide has an exceptionally very long time it remains in the atmosphere
               for one particular reason, from its origin, the seas (70% of earth surface) it has to reach
               vegetation which it nourishes with organic carbon via photo synthesis.

               All this terrible sayings are nothing but non proofed hypothesis. What everybody seems
               to  be  convinced,  are  mere  assumptions  in  order  their  protagonists  can  become
               endlessly  proud  of  their  high  value  existence  but  they  believe  on  assumption  never
               being scientifically proofed.

               All  these  unbelievably  costly  activities  are  completely  useless  and  can  be  dropped
               without could change.

               Our  wonderful  earth,  maybe  the  only  paradise  in  the  universe  managed  by  heavenly
               guides whose strength is incomparable with anything human beings could provide.

               We shall be trustful that climate has been changing and will be changing and no human
               can  ever  influence  it  is  going  on  for  many  more  millions  of  years.  The  Greek  word
               climate means nothing else but "always changing"- And these changes in the past ever
               have been much more drastic than the tiny bit we are experiencing to-day, one only can
               smile about the nonsense men believe in today, and are really proud of it. It supports
               their self-importance and this is the only reason they never can sacrifice.

               In  the  annex  you  find  a  few  scientifically  reasoned  statement,  in  German,  but  you
               certainly will have someone able to easily translate.

               AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN, Vol. 82 No.3, 2023-12                                                41

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