Page 14 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 14
Central Azeri Compression and Water Injection Platform sail away on September 21,
2005, marking a new start of oil and gas technology in the Caspian Sea
growth is currently under way. In the non-oil sector, agricul- for Europe towards Asian
According to IMF's World tural constitutes an important markets and vice versa, geo-
Economic Outlook 2005 sur- part of the country's economy strategic
vey, Azerbaijan saw its real and accounts approximately Azerbaijan has also predeter-
GDP growth among the high- more than 20 percent of the mined its role as a reliable
est in 2005 when it rose to GDP. It is the second to oil transit country between
26.6 percent and the highest and gas sector and Azerbaijan Europe and Asia. In this
ever in the history of its devel- has long lasting traditions in regard, Azerbaijan attaches
opment, and even still the agriculture. Azerbaijan is spe- great significance to the
highest in the world in 2006 cialized in the cultivation of development of cross-region-
when it is expected to rise to vegetables, fruit, cotton, al transport networks, such as
as high as 35.8 percent. In tobacco, subtropical cultures, Europe-Caucasus-Asia inter-
general, over the past 10 silkworm and sheep breeding. national transport corridor
years, the average annual Livestock, dairy products, and (TRACECA), that offer high
GDP growth equals to 11.4 wine and spirits are also potential for expansion of
percent and the share of pri- important farm production. regional cooperation towards
vate sector in GDP has The country territory is reaching the goals of sustain-
reached 77 percent. More than regarded as one of the most able development. A number
$22 billion has been invested ancient spots of human agri- of initiatives have been under-
in the economy since 1994. cultural activities. Over 80 taken in this direction, with
These figures suggest a good percent ofAzerbaijan's amble the EU-sponsored TRACE-
economic performance of a lands, which total over 1 mil- CA program being one of
country with a relatively small lion hectares, are irrigated by them.
population. more than 40,000 km of
canals and pipelines. The var- Building on the rich heritage
With the aim to develop non- ied climate allows cultivation going back to the old days of
oil sector and to stimulate fur- of a wide variety of crops, the Great Silk Road, today
ther economic growth ranging from peaches to Azerbaijan can once again
Azerbaijani Government has almonds, from rice to cotton, boast of its instrumental role
been implementing several and tea leaves to hazelnuts. in spreading the networks of
state programs aimed to trade in the whole Eurasia,
social-economic development Agricultural sector is the main thus bringing the entire
of the regions of Azerbaijan employer in Azerbaijan and regional and inter-regional
throughout the country, as this sector accounts approxi- transportation
well as development of sec- mately 40 percent of active development to serve the goal
tors of economy where coun- labor force of the country and of sustainable and equitable
try has potential comparative more than 50 percent of pop- development of nations.
advantages such as agricul- ulation lives in rural areas. In
ture, tourism, various fields of the meantime, rural areas have
industry, transport, informa- also preserved their rich her-
tion and communication tech- itage of tourism. PHOTOS © AZERBAIJAN
Creating an auspicious outlet
122 2006 Diva