Page 16 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 16
Republic of 1918 may be almost one fifth of the inter- policy and is steadily deve- tainly wearing all three hats
proud of crucial steps it had nationally recognized terri- loping its ever-growing requires lots of energy,
undertaken with a view to tory of the country presently relationship with these motivation and dedication.
establishing a democratic, under foreign occupation as major international players. Besides, being exposed on a
modern and secular society well as elimination of other daily basis to multilateral
based on equality, non-dis- consequences of the You are the youngest among and bilateral diplomatic
crimination, rule of law, pro- ongoing conflict with neigh- all the ambassadors in environment makes the job
tection and promotion of boring Armenia, such as, for Geneva today. How does it even more interesting and
human rights of all people instance, creating condi- feel, and do you mind telling challenging.
Azerbaijan, tions for the return of the
inhabiting us something about you
irrespective of their ethnic, hundreds of thousands of background? As to the second part of
religious, cultural, linguistic Azerbaijanis evicted from your question, I do try to
or any other affiliation. their homes by the conflict. Well, what can I say? It's a squeeze out some time and
Azerbaijan is committed to great privilege and huge devote it to my family, besi-
Now, with regard to the res- finding a peaceful solution responsibility at the same des I am fond of reading,
toration of independence in to this longstanding conflict time. When you are already walking and doing outdoor
1991, one has to mention through negotiations within a member of this club you sports.
here that independence was the framework of the OSCE don't concentrate that much
not just a gift we received Minsk Group on the basis of on this aspect of your cre- What do you consider being
from the heaven. The adop- norms and principles of dentials but rather try to the most important resultfor
tion by the National international law. focus on your numerous Azerbajan on the interna-
Parliament of the Act reesta- responsibilities. With my tional scene up to today?
blishing State independence Secondly, promotion of the daily work I try to justify the
of the Republic of establishment of a pluralis- confidence with which I Since Azerbaijan reemerged
Azerbaijan on 18 October tic democracy based on was entrusted when appoin- at the international stage as
1991 was preceeded by the vibrant market economy ted to this very important an independent state, the
national democratic move- and the rule of law. The position. In the meantime, I country has covered quite
ment in the country that star- government led by am representing a young an impressive road, full of
ted in 1988 and was aimed at President Ilham Aliyev is country, which, alas, cannot its own ups and downs.
restoring Azerbaij an's inde- deeply committed to conti- boast of a diplomatic tradi-
pendence. We were among nue the course of political tion with long history and As I outlined above, many
the very first Soviet repu- and economic reform in experience, but this is ano- of the problems are still
blics to adopt a unilateral order to achieve these goals ther great challenge for me awaiting their resolution.
decision on sovereignty on and our active interaction to meet. As to my back- But, despite all this, the
23 September 1989. The with and membership in ground, I studied foreign main achievement of ours
people of Azerbaijan paid a major international organi- languages and international has been the fact that as a
heavy price for its indepen- zations, like the UN, relations, and I am part of result of the far-sighted and
dence before and after 199,1, Council of Europe, OSCE the Azerbaijani foreign balanced foreign policy by
when thousands of men and and others are facilitating service since 1991. former President Heydar
women sacrificed their lives this goal. Special significan- Aliyev which is continued
to freedom, sovereignty, ter- ce is given to further deve- You are the Ambassador to by the current Head of State,
ritorial integrity and political lopment of civil society and all the international organi- Azerbaijan has consolidated
independence of their young strengthening of the econo- zations in Geneva, to its place as an independent,
state. my through development of Switzerland and to the Holy sovereign state in its own
non-oil sector of the econo- See. Already your collea- right, with its important
What are the main concerns my and regions, and impro- gues here in Geneva tell us place in the region and in a
for the foreign policy of ving the living standards of about the heavy workload wider global family of
AzerbaUan today? people. involvedfollowing the inter- nations. I am sure the pro-
Third, further deepening of national organizations, so cess of uneasy transition
Those are numerous and relations with and gradual how do you manage, and and transformation that the
providing an exhaustive list integration into European secondly do you have time country is going through
would take a lot of time. But and Transatlantic security to do something else apart will be successfully steered
if I am given a choice of and cooperation structures, from working? to the end and that in the not
three most important foreign like the European Union so distant future Azerbaijan
policy goals that are of pri- and NATO. Having cultu- I agree, that Geneva by will become a strong and
mary concern to the rally and historically a itself as a diplomatic pos- prosperous state at the servi-
Government those would be European vocation and ting is not a piece of cake, ce of its talented and assi-
the following. given its advantageous especially when you have duous people.
geostrategic location at the other responsibilities as I
First and foremost, it's the crossroads of East and West, do. But I believe here is
soonest restoration of terri- Europe
where the comparative
torial integrity of Azerbaijan Azerbaijan has set this as a advantage of young age
and its sovereignty over strategic goal of its foreign comes into play, and cer-
14 2 2006 Diva