Page 35 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 35
Battle of Waterloo does not However, Geneva had been not He died on 28 December 1824
seem to have had any effect on yet been able to consolidate its at Lancy leaving behind him a
the events that followed. fragmented territory. But now, rich historical and political her-
following the change in itage to Geneva and
Two apparently contradictory Geneva's status, Pictet could Switzerland.
objectives of the new govern- count on the backing of the HAYWARD BEYWOOD
ment, much favoured by Pictet, Swiss Government and was
were to restore Genevan inde- given full powers to negoatiate.
pendence but also to make He soon achieved the territorial THE
Geneva part of the Swiss success he sought. RELWIES"
Confederation. To achieve this
it was necessary: (a) to make North of the lake, six com- Thanks to the intricate diplo-
Genevan territory homogenous munes were transferred from matic negotiations conducted
(it consisted of several frag- the pays de Gex, thus giving by Charles Pictet-de-
mented communes); and (b) to Geneva its connection with the Rochement, the territory of the
connect it physically to the can- canton of Vaud. As had already canton of Geneva grew consid-
ton of Vaud and thus to been decided in Vienna and erably in size and homogeneity
Switzerland as a whole Paris, by the Treaty of Turin in in the aftermath of the
(Versoix was in France). Pictet 1816 on the left bank another Napoleonic Wars. Previously
participated in the first deputa- twenty-three communes were Geneva had consisted of a
tion sent in 1814 to request that transferred from Savoy and patchwork of disconnected vil-
the Great Powers support became part of the canton. lages, such as Chancy, Jussy,
Geneva's position. He then rep- King Victor-Emmanuel I of Satigny and Cartigny (where
resented Geneva and Piedmont-Sardinia had himself Pictet himself originally came
Switzerland in several rounds only just recently recovered from). The addition of new
of meetings held in Paris and this territory. This extension of communes of mixed
Vienna during 1814 and 1815. the cantonal land became Catholic/Protestant popula-
While the victors were mainly known as the "communes réu- tions gave the canton a more
interested in sharing the spoils nies", hence the road of this regular outline and linked it
of war, Pictet de Rochement's name in Grand Lancy. It was solidly to the rest of
political talent and diplomatic also stated that the non-Swiss Switzerland.
skills were aimed precisely at customs posts were to be situat-
recovering Geneva's independ- ed at least one league (approxi- By the second Treaty of Paris
ence and joining it to the twen- mately five kilometres) from (1815) France ceded six com-
ty-one cantons then forming the new Swiss frontier, thus munes in the Pays de Gex:
the Swiss Confederation, Valais creating the "zone franche" on Collex-Bossey,
and Neuchâtel having just both sides of the canton. Into Saconnex, Meyrin, Pregny,
entered as full and equal can- the bargain, the Great Powers Vernier and Versoix (49.3 lon2
tons. meeting in Paris recognized the and 3,343 inhabitants).
"permanent neutrality of By the Treaty of Turin (1816)
The first confrontation in Paris Switzerland" and agreed that the Kingdom of Sardinia ceded
was not a success since the Swiss neutrality was, indeed, in the twenty-three Savoyard com-
A ire- la- VIlle,
French negotiator, Talleyrand, the common interest of all munes
refused to let go of any part of European countries. Pictet him- Anières, Avusy, Bernex,
the Pays de Gex. Later, in self wrote the text of the decla- Carouge,
October 1814 there was the ration of neutrality. Choulex, Collonge-Bellerive,
Congress of Vienna. Pictet par- Compesières (which was divid-
ticipated actively in the rele- In the summer of 1816 Pictet- ed into Bardonnex and Arare),
vant conclaves and negotia- de-Rochemont returned to his Confignon, Corsier Hermance,
tions, not waiting for suitable sheep and his maize fields hav- Laconnex, Lancy, Meinier
outcomes to come his way. The ing perfectly succeeded in his Onex, Perly-Certoux, Plan-les-
idea that Geneva should form mission. The Swiss parliament Ouates, Présinge, Puplinge,
part of the Swiss Confederation or Diet, as it was at that time, Soral, Troinex and Veyrier
became a reality on 19 May expressed its recognition of his (108.8 lon2 and 12,700 inhabi-
1815. services. tants).
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